• Volume 21,Issue 3,2012 Table of Contents
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    • Molecular cloning and expression and phylogenetic trees’ construction of CYR61 gene in common carp

      2012, 21(3):321-330.

      Abstract (3811) HTML (0) PDF 2.51 M (2818) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:CYR61,CTGF and NOV constitute the CCN family. We used BLASTN program at the NCBI to identify near matches in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) genome database to each zebrafish (Danio rerio) CYR61 .CYR61 A, CYR61 B, and CYR61 C were identified respectively. ORF of the 3 duplicates of CYR61 were cloned and sequenced in common carp. CYR61 A was 1 158 bp encoding polypeptides of 385 amino acids with a calculated Mw of 42.55 ku and PI of 7.83. CYR61 B was 1 053 bp. CYR61 C was 1 107 bp encoding polypeptides of 368 amino acids with a calculated Mw of 40.83 ku and PI of 8.54. CYR61 A and CYR61 C have 5 exons and 4 introns. CYR61 A, CYR61 B, and CYR61 C all contained 4 conservative domains in common carp. Phylogenetic relationship analysis indicated that CYR61 genes of common carp have higher homology with other species’ CYR61 genes. Differentiation time of CYR61 A, CYR61 B and CYR61 C were earlier than the divergence time between common carp and zebrafish by using MEGA 5.0 software and divergence time formula analysis. RTPCR analysis revealed CYR61 C to be expressed in most common carp tissues, with the principal expression in ovary and weakest expression in heart. CYR61 A was predominantly expressed in testicle and not detected in kidney and body kidney. CYR61 B was highly observed in testicle and brain. Quantitative realtime PCR were used to analyse the expression of CYR61 in common carp development, the result indicated that CYR61 transcriptions expressed highly at the initial stage and lowest at 18 hpf or 24 hpf and then increased before 3d, but decreased at 6 d.

    • Flag results of GFP in fertilized eggs infected by lentiviral vector contained common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) IGF2b

      2012, 21(3):331-336.

      Abstract (3800) HTML (0) PDF 1.84 M (2807) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The vector pLenti6.3IRESEGFP was established using cloned jellyfish GFP gene and connected Bam HI and NheⅠ restrictionsites. Then, the vector was approved by transfecting the DH52 competent cells, restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing. After that, 1 μg/μL plasmid was connected with lentiviral vector. To explore the GFP marked effect flag on lentiviral vector mediated transgenetic fish production, this article observes the expression of GFP using fluorescence microscope after infecting 293 T cells by lentiviral vectors which contained only GFP and contained both GFP and fuctional gene at cell levels; at vivo level, the expression of GFP during the developmented fertilized fingers of Jian carp which were infected by lentiviral vector containing the GFP and IGF2b . The results showed that: the green fluorescence was found in 293T cells infected by both GFP contained vector and GFPIGF2b contained vector. After 48h, the expression of GFP was also observed when lentiviral vector(LentiIGF2bIRESEGFP) was infecting the undivided fertilized eggs from bright field and dark field. So, the GFP can be used successfully to flag the integrated effect through observing the green fluorescence in vivo when the undivided fertilized egg was infected by LentiIGF2bIRESEGFP. These illustrated that this study may lay a solid foundation for developing the transgenetic fish breeding based on the lentiviral vector contained GFP.

    • Assessing genetic diversity of mitochondrial Dloop sequences of Squaliobarbus curriculus in Yangtze River and Pearl River

      2012, 21(3):337-343.

      Abstract (3402) HTML (0) PDF 1009.11 K (2741) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:29 mitochondrial Dloop gene segments of Squaliobarbus curriculus from Yangtze River and Pearl River were amplified with PCR technique and sequenced. Analysis on Dloop of 599 bp showed that there were 24 unique sequences, 25 singleton, 39 parsiminfo, 81 mutation sites in all, including 50 transition sites, 14 transversion sites and 17 insert/lacuna sites. The content of A+T (68.8%) was much more than that of C+G (31.2%). The genetic diversities among the 5 water areas ranged from 0 to 6.03%. Haplotypic diversity(H) was 0.977 8,mean number of pairwise differences (K±SD) was 17.271 0, nucleotide diversity (π) was 0.029 7. FST values between WH and SS, XF, WZ populations, between YC and SS, XF, WZ populations showed significant genetic differences, and the one among all the other populations showed no strong genetic differences. Significant genetic differentiation among all five populations was found by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). According to the molecular phylogenetic tree constructed by NJ methods based on Dloop, the individuals of Yangtze River and Pearl River assembled in two branches respectively with high confidence. The obvious genetic differentiation was mainly attributed to the reproductive isolation caused by the geographical isolation between Yangtze River and Pearl River. But, for Yangtze River, the molecular phylogenetic tree was immingled because the intrapopulation and interpopulation genetic distances differed little. So it showed that there was no genetic differentiation in those from different water areas, which belonged to ‘Yangtze population’. It was also the case with ‘Pearl population’.

    • Expression character and target predictions of 〖WTHX〗let7d〖WTHZ〗 during metamorphosis in Japanese flounder (〖WTHX〗Paralichthys olivaceus〖WTHZ〗)

      2012, 21(3):344-350.

      Abstract (2969) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (2618) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Recent work has demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in critical biological processes by suppressing the translation of coding genes. Let-7is a critical regulator of developmental timing events at the larvaltoadult transition. MiRNAs in Paralichthys olivaceus were identified by Solexa sequencing. Ten miRNAs belonged to the Let-7d family (from Let-7a to Let-7j). The copy numbers of Let-7d were significantly higher than the other members of the Let-7family. Quantitative analysis revealed that the expression levels of Let-7d in the normal control group and the thyroid hormones (THs) treatment group had a common characteristic: expression gradually increased to a peak level, and then decreased to a low level. Let-7d levels in the THs treatment group were 50% less than those of the normal control group at each stage of development (P < 0.05). Let-7d was detected in all tissues examined, whereas at relatively higher levels in gill, heart and brain. Data of target predictions indicated that the 3′untranslated regions (3′UTRs) of 30 registered mRNAs had target sites matched with Let-7d. These genes were grouped into families: protein fold, cell proliferation, signal transduction, virus immune response and signaling pathways. The results of the present study suggested that Let-7d played an essential role in regulating the developmental events during metamorphosis in Paralichthys olivaceus.

    • Quantitative trait loci analysis for activity of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase in mirror carp

      2012, 21(3):351-357.

      Abstract (2936) HTML (0) PDF 897.85 K (2956) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A phosphatase is an enzyme that removes a phosphate group from its substrate by hydrolysing phosphoric acid monoesters, which is widely distributed in most organisms and expressed in lots of tissues. This phosphatase is necessary enzyme for growth, maintaining metabolic homeostasis and keeping the body healthy. In this research, a whole genome scan was conducted on 190 progenies from a fullsib family using 992 microsatellite markers and interval mapping strategy for identifying QTL of activity of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase traits in intestinal tissue. The results indicated that: five QTL affected the activity of acid phosphatase, of which three QTL were at the 99% chromosomewide level located on the LG2(CA2049-CA2371),LG25(HLJ2941-HLJ3946) and LG28(CA2263-HLJ2873) and the remaining two QTL were at 95% chromosomewide level explaining 8.1%-38.9% of the total variation, and two QTL affecting the activity of alkaline phosphatase were identified at 95% chromosomewide level located at LG8 and LG13 explaining 7.3% and 7% of the total variation, respectively.

    • The toxicity of ammoniaN on Penaeus monodon and immune parameters

      2012, 21(3):358-362.

      Abstract (3996) HTML (0) PDF 815.83 K (2607) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The results of acute toxicity test of ammonia-N on Penaeus monodon carried out by biological toxicity test showed that effect of toxicity has a significant positive correlation with the ammoniaN maintained time and concentration. In the condition of seawater 30℃, pH=8, S=34.5, the half lethal concentration of ammoniaN were 52.63 mg/L, 39.68 mg/L, 31.65 mg/L and 29.94 mg/L, lasting for 24 h, 48 h,72 h and 96 h respectively, and the safe concentration was 2.99 mg/L. In the same concentration , half lethal concentration of nonionic ammonia were 3.23 mg/L, 2.43 mg/L, 1.94 mg/L, 1.84 mg/L respectively and the safe concentration was 0.18 mg/L. The effect of ammonia-N level of 29.9 mg/L on immune parameters of Penaeus monodon showed the variation trend of different immune parameters :including activity of phenoloxidase (PO) decreasing in the whole of study, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activity in serum increasing at first after ammonia-N stimulated and then decreasing, acid phosphatase (ACP) activity increasing at first after ammoniaN stimulated, then decreasing and increasing at last within 96h. ANOVA indicated that the activities of PO, SOD, POD, ACP in eight sampling points(0 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h) had significant difference (P< 0.01), while the control groups all had no significant difference (P> 0.05). Acute toxicity result, changes of different immune parameters in high ammonia-N stress and influence of high ammonia on the immune system obtained in this study provide a scientific basis for the healthy development of culture of Penaeus monodon.

    • Study on oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of Barbus capito

      2012, 21(3):363-367.

      Abstract (3199) HTML (0) PDF 798.24 K (3089) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of Barbus capito with different temperature and body weights were measured. The oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of 1year and 2years Barbus capito increase respectively as water temperature go up under a range of 16-34 ℃. It is demonstrate that oxygen consumption is moving up and oxygen consumption rate is dropping down gradually as body weight under a range of 10-180 g at 26 ℃. The average oxygen consumption rate of 1year fish in the day is significantly higher than that at night. The highest value appears between 12:00 and 14:00 on an average of (0.195 8±0.037) mg/(g·h), the lowest one appears between 22:00 and 24:00 on an average of (0.145 9±0.029) mg/(g·h). The suffocation point are respective 0.180 5-0.525 2 mg/L and 0.292 1-0.588 8 mg/L for 1year fish and 2years fish under a range of 26-32 ℃.

    • Comparison of crude extraction methods of phycoerythrin from Porphyra yezoensis

      2012, 21(3):368-373.

      Abstract (3678) HTML (0) PDF 829.59 K (3017) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We compared the methods of crude phycoerythrin extraction from Porphyra yezoensis, a main economic red alga in China.Porphyra yezoensis thallus was broken with “swelling & smash” method, and crude extract was dealed in sequence with chemical reagent such as activated carbon, rivanol or physical condition such as isoelectric point, concentration, pH, temperature and differential centrifugation. It showed that the purity of phycoerythrin increased when activated carbon was heavily applied alone. When usage of activated carbon achieved two percent of that of Porphyra yezoensis, the effect was best. And this method was much better than combined using of activated carbon and rivanol on a small scale. On the other hand, ammonium sulfate precipitation combined with pH regulating increased the purity, which was in line with concentration of solution and arrived at topmost purity of 1.35, which achieved 1.42 after differential centrifugation followed. While isoelectric precipitation or temperature control decreased the purity. This research laid the groundwork for preparation of phycoerythrin from Porphyra yezoensis

    • Adsorption and tolerance of Cu2+and Zn2+ by Oocystis borgei

      2012, 21(3):374-381.

      Abstract (3456) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (2426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effect of Cu2+, Zn2+ on the tolerance and adsorption rate of the microalgae Oocystis borgei was studied. Results show that Zn2+ and Cu2+ has a significant impact on the growth and the content of chlorophyll a of O.borgei. The growth of the algae was inhibited when the concentrations of Cu2+ and Zn2+ increased. However, low concentration (<0.001 mg/L amd 0.010 mg/L) of Cu2+ and Zn2+ improved the growth rate of O. borgei and the synthesis of chlorophyll a. The 96hEC50 of Cu2+ and Zn2+ are 0.229 mg/L and 17.390 mg/L, respectively. The combination of Cu2+ and Zn2+ has the highest inhibition (103.881%) when 1.000 mg/L of Cu2+ and 50.000 mg/L of Zn2+ are added to the culture medium. The Cu2+ is more toxic than Zn2+. The adsorption rate for Zn2+ is 81.444% when the cell abundance is 2.291×108 ind/L, while that for Cu2+ is 52.521% when the cell abundance is 2.891×108 ind/L. This is equivalent to 9.469 mg/g (5.208×10-9 mg/ind) and 2.914 mg/g (1.603×10-9 mg/ind). No toxic effects are observed at these assimilation rates.

    • Effects of dietary protein levels on body pigmentation, growth and immunology of ornamental carp(Cyprinus carpio L.)

      2012, 21(3):382-388.

      Abstract (4193) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (2999) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary protein levels on body pigmentation, growth and immunology of ornamental carp(Cyprinus carpio L.)(initial mean body weight: 5.85±0.19 g). The diet contained 130 mg/kg astaxanthins: Fish were fed with different protein levels (25.49%,30.84%,35.04%,40.68%,45.88%)and fed to apparent satiety to these groups of 20 fish for 60 days. The results showed that: The value of a* was highest in the protein level of 35.04%, no significant differences compared with protein level 40.68%(P<0.05), but obviously higher than other experimental groups (P> 0.05). The concentration of carotenoid in the skin of fish had significant differences from other experimental groups (P<0.05)at the same level while the highest value in the group protein level 45.88%.The highest body weight gain and feed conversion ratio occurred in the protein level 35.04%. There were no significant effects on LZM,CAT and LDH (P> 0.05).While the activity of SOD decreased obviously at the protein level of 45.88% (P<0.05). The results of this study also illustrated that the utilization of astaxanthin of ornamental carp(Cyprinus carpio L)did not improve constantly with the increase of protein level in diet.

    • Inhibition of Chinese herbal extracts on CYP1A and CYP3A of liver microsomes from crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)

      2012, 21(3):389-395.

      Abstract (2882) HTML (0) PDF 980.33 K (2529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study focused on the inhibition of five kinds of Chinese herbal extracts (Scutellaria, Forsythia, Bupleurum, Evodia and Chrysanthemum) on CYP1A and CYP3A of crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) liver microsomes. IC50 and kinetic parameters of enzymatic reaction were determined in vitro and the inhibition mechanism was speculated. The results showed that the level of inhibition of five kinds of Chinese herb extracts on CYP1A was Scutellaria>Forsythia>Chrysanthemum>Bupleurum≈Evodia; the IC50 were 0.27,2.88,7.62,16.20 and 16.42 mg/mL, and the inhibition instants (Ki) were 0.13, 0.38, 3.39, 1.74 and 70 mg/mL respectively. The kinetic parameters of enzymatic reaction, Vmax and Km were (83.33±11.32) pmol/(min·mg) and (3.05±0.89 )μmol/L, respectively. Scutellaria, Forsythia and Bupleuru had a weak inhibition on CYP3A activity with the IC50 of 90.9, 70.8 and 43.5 mg/mL, respectively. No inhibition was observed for Chrysanthemum and Bupleurum on CYP3A. Furthermore, it was speculated that Scutellaria, Chrysanthemum and Bupleurum were competitive inhibitors, while Evodia and Forsythia were uncompetitive inhibitors. In this study, inhibition of five Chinese herbs on the CYP450 enzymes varied greatly due to different subtypes and it showed that the inhibition on CYP1A was significant but no significant inhibition on CYP3A. It suggested that the inhibition of CYP450 isoenzyme by herb extracts might lead to increase plasma levels and change the pharmacokinetics of drug metabolized by these isoenzymes, therefore, more care is needed when using the coadministered prescription drugs.

    • Changes of biochemical composition and energy in hepatopancreas and muscle of Procambarus clarkii at different physiological stages

      2012, 21(3):396-402.

      Abstract (3523) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (2999) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In present research work, the changes of the biochemical composition and energy density in hepatopancreas and muscle of Procambarus clarkii before and after spawning and during the berried stages were studied. The results showed that (1) before and after spawning stages there was no significant change for indices of hepatopancreas and muscle (P>0.05), while the ovarian index decreased from 6.14% to 0.40% (P<0.01). Meanwhile, the hepatopancreas index increased by 13.29% from after spawning stage to berried stage , which was significantly higher than that before spawning stage; (2) The crude protein, crude lipid and carbohydrate decreased significantly after spawning, in which crude lipid in hepatopancreas and crude protein in muscle decreased significantly (P<0.01). During the berried stage, the protein and carbohydrate were quickly recovered and exceeded the levels of those before spawning stage (P<0.01). The energy in hepatopancreas decreased significantly before and after spawning stage,while the energy in muscle decreased significantly at the berried stage; (3) The PUFA was decreased significantly after spawning stage, in which DHA and EPA decreased by 44.33% and 30.80% respectively. During the three stages , the C20∶4n-6 displayed an increasing pattern, while the SFA and MUFA were stable, and only increased slightly.

    • Study on the distribution of larvae of six economic species and the damage of set net on them along southern coast of Zhejiang

      2012, 21(3):403-409.

      Abstract (3160) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (2756) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the paper, according to the survey of catch in the set net along the southern coast of Zhejiang from July, 2010 to June, 2011, we conducted research and analysis on the distribution of six economic species of Coiliaspp larvae etc and the damage of set net on them. The results show that Coiliaspp larvae appeared mainly in June to September, the proportion of the sample weight were 3.17%, 3.60%, 1.44% and 2.63% in each month, average weight were 1.1 g, 2.2 g, 1.8 g and 3.9 g; Pampus argenteus larvae appeared mainly in May to June, the proportion of the sample weight were 0.39% and 3.58%, average weight were 0.5 g and 5.8 g; Collichthys lucidus larvae appeared mainly in June, the proportion of the sample weight was 2.27%, average weight was 1.5 g; Ilisha elongata larvae appeared in September alone, the proportion of the sample weight was 1.69%, average weight was 6.2 g; Portunus trituberculatus larvae appeared mainly in June and September, the weight of the sample P.trituberculatus proportion were 0.76% and 0.69%, average weight were 0.6 g and 0.9 g; Edible mantis shrimp larvae appeared mainly in the busy season from September to October, the proportion of the sample weight were 10.5% and 9.21%, average weight were 3.5 g and 4.8 g.

    • Survey of the number distribution of Harpodon nehereus along the southern coast of Zhejiang

      2012, 21(3):410-414.

      Abstract (2929) HTML (0) PDF 621.27 K (2783) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the survey of catch in the set net along the southern coast of Zhejiang from July, 2010 to June, 2011, research and analysis on the composition of length and weight, distribution and set net in the number catches of bombay duck were conducted. The results show that bombay duck appeared every month except January and February, the distribution of body length range were 27.4-201.1 mm annually, the average was 71.4 mm, the distribution of weight range were 0.05-70.5 g annually, the average was 1.4 g. Bombay duck appeared mainly in September to October, accounting for 25.5%,39.7% and 20.8% of the weight of the sample. Average weight were 1.2 g, 1.1 g and 1.6 g.

    • Dominant species catch composition and seasonal distribution of swing net along southern coast of Zhejiang

      2012, 21(3):415-424.

      Abstract (2955) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (2512) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the survey data of net catch in sampling along the southern coast of Zhejiang from July 2010 to June 2011, research and analysis on dominant species catch composition and seasonal distribution of swing net were conducted. The results show that, 97 kinds of swimming organisms were identified in the annual sample survey. Dominant species were Acetes Chinensis, Acetes Japanese, Bombay duck, Leptochela gracilis Stimpson, Coiliaspp, Charybdis bimaculata, Coilia nasua, and genera of Anchoviella commersonii, Gobiidae, genera of edible mantis shrimp, genera of Solenocera Melantho, Parapenaeopsis, Alpheus were in the 12 groups. Acetes were encountered throughout the year, there are two busy seasons, one is from March to May, the other is in July and August, the monthly gross Acetes weight proportion of the sample were 41.5%, 33.1%, 36.4%, 43.1% and 77.2%. Bombay duck appeared mainly in September to October, accounting of the weight of the sample in each month were 25.5% and 39.7%, average weight were 1.2 g and 1.1 g. Coiliaspp occurred mainly in June to September, accounting for 3.2%, 3.6%, 1.4% and 2.6% of the weight of the sample each month, average weight were 1.1 g, 2.2 g, 1.8 g and 3.9 g. Edible mantis shrimp appeared mainly in the busy season from September to October, accounting for 10.5% and 9.2% of the weight of the sample in each month, average weight were 3.5 g and 4.8 g.

    • Selection of key factors of water temperature in the fishing ground of Ommastrephes bartramii based on the information gain technology

      2012, 21(3):425-430.

      Abstract (3644) HTML (0) PDF 752.10 K (2744) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ommastrephes bartramii distributed in the northwest Pacific is one of the important fishing grounds.The environmental factors are the important content of the study on fisheries oceanography, which is also helpful to understand the forming mechanism of fishing ground and creating some possibilities for providing certain scientific advice for the production of Chinese squid jigging fishery. Based on the fishing data collected by Chinese squid jigging fleets in the north Pacific Ocean (150°E-170°E), the temperature data between August and October from 1998 to 2008, the water temperature at different layers ( T0, 55 m, 105 m) and temperature structure (0-55 m and 55-105 m) in the fishing ground of Ommastrephes bartramii are analyzed. The information values of different classification attributes for environment factors are calculated by means of the information gain technology (IGT). The results show that the T0 in fishing ground seems to be varied seasonally from August to October. The water temperatures at 55 m and 105 m are lower and the temperature gradient at 0-55 m is higher in September. Based on the IGT, the results show that the key water temperature factors are the temperature gradient between 0-55 m, the water temperature at 55 m, the T0, the water temperature at 105 m and the temperature gradient at 55-105 m in turn.

    • Forecasting fishing ground of Illex argentinus by using habitat suitability model in the southwest Atlantic

      2012, 21(3):431-438.

      Abstract (5001) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (4165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Illex argentinus is an important target species for Chinese squid jigging fleets in the southwest Atlantic,and the accurate forecasting of fishing ground can provide better scientific guidance for fishing activities. In this study, according to the Chinese squid fishing production data during the main fishing season (January to May) from 2000 to 2005, combined with sea surface temperature (SST) and chl.a accordingly, the percentage of fishing times and daily catch (CPUE) will be considered as the suitability index (SI). Using arithmetic mean model (AM) to establish the integrated habitat suitability index (HSI) based on SST and chl.a from 2000 to 2004, and the fishing and environmental data were used to test the established HSI model from January to May in 2005. The results indicated that AM model is fitted well. According to the data from January to May in 2005, we found that the main fishing ground is distributed in the waters with HSI more than 0.6 from the AM HSI model, and its percentage of fishing times reached more than 76 percent and its average CPUE were above 7.6 t/d. The results showed that the AM HSI model based on SST and chl.a can better predict the fishing grounds of squid in the southwest Atlantic and the accuracy rate of forecasting fishing ground reaches more than 70%.

    • The optical characteristics of domestic metal halide lamp (1 kW) and its applications

      2012, 21(3):439-444.

      Abstract (2991) HTML (0) PDF 776.41 K (2058) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The basic properties of fish aggregating lamp and its fundamental theory are an important part of light lure fishing. The optical characteristics of domestic metal halide lamp (1 kW) were measured and analized including light distribution and attenuation coeffcient. Polar Function of light distribution curve was . Attenuation coeffcient was 0.128 1, 0.395 4 and 0.180 9 in the air, fresh water and seawater, respetively. There was no great difference in the depths greater than 30m when vessel was equiped with 130 or 100 lamps. Illuminaiton isoline of 130 lamps was 2m deeper than that of 100 lamps. This showed increasing light power counld not intensify underwater illumination, but enlarged attrative range in the upper layer. 50 m is enlarged when the total power increase from 100 kW to 130 kW. It was proved that domestic metal halide lamp (1 kW) not only got better results, but also had a long lifetime (3 000 h) that meet operation requirement.

    • Research on the benthic algae distribution around Gouqi Island using digital echo sounding system and interpolation

      2012, 21(3):445-451.

      Abstract (3863) HTML (0) PDF 1.84 M (2208) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to research the benthic algae within the coverage of offshore 50m wide of Gouqi Island, on the one hand we acquired echo samples around Gouqi Island by BioSoics DTX. On the other hand, we predicted the benthic algae coverage by inverse distance weight (IDW) interpolation for nonsampled area. This method which combines echo sounding and interpolation is economic and highefficient. The results of the study show that benthic algae around Gouqi Island are distributed patchily. Interpolation makes up for the shortcoming that echo sampling cannot cover to reveal the total resources in the entire research range. While, “Closer in Space,more Similar in Coverage Degree” is the specific character of IDW interpolation, this fits well with the patchily growing benthic algae to predict benthic algae resource. When given a perfect power exponent, the IDW interpolation can predict and assess the distribution of benthic algae effectively, in this research the most suitable power exponent is p=5. Now, the applications of Echo Sounding and Interpolation in assessing benthic algae resource are at the very beginning, even more, most of them are conducted in calm lakes and rivers and only a few similar studies have been done in the ocean environment. At the present stage, deeper research is much needed. This paper digs and develops the application characteristics while conducting Echo Sounding and Interpolation Method to assess the benthic algae resources in complicated ocean environment.

    • Numerical study on site selection evaluation of the marine ranching planning zone in Xiangshan Bay:hydrodynamic conditions and particle residence time

      2012, 21(3):452-459.

      Abstract (4268) HTML (0) PDF 2.61 M (2031) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A numerical ocean model, ECOMsi (Estuarine Coastal Ocean Modelsemiimplicit) was applied to evaluate hydrodynamic conditions of the marine ranching planning zone (northwestern side of Baishi Mountain, Central Mountain and Tong Mountain) in Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo, coupled with a 3D Lagrangian particle tracking module to study the residence time of water and particles in this planning zone. Result shows that the bottom current velocity in the marine ranching planning zone generally complies with a restriction of the highest velocity of 0.8 m/s. We take the depth around the planning zone into account synthetically, and suggest that the artificial reefs should be located at the northwestern side of the planning zone within a range of depth from 6 to 10 meters, since in this region surface and bottom current velocities could be limited under 1.2 m/s and 0.6 m/s respectively. The tracking result of particles released within the marine ranching planning zone indicates that about 90% of particles remained west to the fjord of Xiangshan Bay for more than two months. In earlier 30 days after particles were released, the proportion of particles leaving marine ranching core zone increased rapidly, and it became steady after the 30 days. During the periods of first and second months after particles released, particles that remained within a scope of 5 km in the core zone were around 30% to 40%, and within a scope of 10 km, were around 80%.

    • Sensitivity of airsea flux to microphysical schemes and planetary boundary layer parameterizations in WRF during a cyclone passage

      2012, 21(3):460-468.

      Abstract (4005) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (2125) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) Version 3.2 was used to analyze the sensitivity of simulated airsea flux during a cyclone passage. Combinations of 9 microphysical parameterizations and 3 planetary boundary layer parameterizations were tested. LINYSU case has the strongest mean wind while WSM3ACM2 case has the weakest. Generally, the influences of planetary boundary layer on the simulation of sensible and latent heat flux are greater than those of microphysical schemes. Before the storm, all cases show that the airsea fluxes are not sensitive to the parameterization; during the storm, planetary boundary layer schemes influence the simulation of wind speed and air temperature, thus causing significant difference in simulated sensible heat fluxes; after the storm passage, test cases produce significant difference in both sensible and latent heat fluxes, which are mainly contributed by the combination effect of simulated wind speed, air temperature and specific humidity. Compared with observations, all simulated airsea fluxes have large systematic errors, which are probably due to the surface layer parameterization, indicating that the surface boundary layer parameterization in WRF 3.2 still needs to be improved.

    • Superficial discussions on ocean cultural social change of Shanghai and its enlightenment

      2012, 21(3):469-474.

      Abstract (3349) HTML (0) PDF 1013.25 K (2091) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Shanghai is a coastal international metropolis born close to ocean and prosperous thanks to ocean. Analyzing her social change from the perspective of ocean culture can help to understand the inner power of Shanghai’s urban transformation, the contents of Shanghai’s spirit and explore the changing trend of Shanghai. On the basis of historical analysis and ocean culture, the paper displays that Shanghai has gone through the changes of ocean cultural societies from the southern fishing village, the domestic trade port and the Far Eastern shipping center, to the international shipping center. The social changes reflect the impact of ocean culture and Shanghai’s spirit on the economic and social development of Shanghai. Therefore, in a sense, Shanghai’s urban transformation is the result of the development of ocean culture and the promotion of inner ocean spirit of Shanghai. The highest stage of urban development is to become an international cultural center. Because there are many unique ocean cultural contents in Shanghai’s spirit, Shanghai will be developed into an international cultural center with ocean culture as the major elements after becoming four international centers in future.

    • Research on the evolution path of the relationship between fisheries associations and government in China

      2012, 21(3):475-480.

      Abstract (2858) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (2119) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along with economic and social transition, the relationship between fisheries associations and government evolves from Statism, State Corporatism, to Societal Corporatism. In the era of planned economy, fisheries associations were totally dominated by government as its organs to discharge their functions. They were administrations or public institutions established with narrow existence space, which were wholly incorporated into state system. Their relationship embodied Statism. During the transformational period, fisheries associations have obtained a certain degree of autonomy and more existence space to undertake part of government’s trial transferred functions of management and service delivery. Still, fisheries associations are in a restrained status, since government doesn’t totally let them go and exerts a certain degree of compulsory control over them by number and type constraint, leaders choosing and representative monopoly. Their relationship evolves to State Corporatism. In the new period of mature market economy system, fisheries associations will obtain relatively independent position and their functions of management and service delivery will expand and deepen further. Their relationship will not be mutual antagonism but mutual empowerment, though they are still controlled by government by noncompulsory ways, which reflects not Pluralism but Societal Corporatism image.

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