• Volume 0,Issue 3,2007 Table of Contents
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    • Analysis of biochemical genetic diversity of different populations of tench


      Abstract (2288) HTML (0) PDF 267.08 K (2013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Thirty wild individuals of tench,Tinca tinca of Xinjiang population of China and thirty individuals of tench of Czech population,which were introduced into China in 1999,were collected in 2002.The isozymes of ADH,IDH,LDH,SDH,SOD,EST,MDH,ME,6PGDH,G3PDH and Muscle protein in their livers,muscles and other tissues were analyzed by using polyacrylamidae gel electroporesis.The loci of EST-2,SOD,ADH and IDH in Xinjiang population and loci of EST-1,ADH and IDH in Czech population were found to be polymorphic.The percentages of polymorphic loci of Xinjiang population and Czech population were 28.57% and 21.43% respectively,the mean heterozygosity were 0.0619 and 0.0357 respectively.It was found that there were some losses of heterozygosity in Czech population.Therefore,from the view of the genetic conservations,it was suggested that it should be forbidden to extend culture of tench of Czech population in Xinjiang Eltrix River basin.

    • Water quality investigation and eutrophication status evaluation in Gehu Lake


      Abstract (2293) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Primary study on the genetic diversity of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) from the Yangtze River Estuary by RAPD analysis


      Abstract (2427) HTML (0) PDF 311.51 K (2021) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Random amplified polymorphic DNA method was used to investigate the genetic diversity of Anguilla japonica including five samplings collected from 4 locations,totally 92 individuals(10 premature adult eels,82 glass eels) in 2005 from the Yangtze River Estuary.51 RAPD primers were synthesized and 16 primers were selected and used.A total of 132 loci were amplified,of which 114 loci(86.36%) were polymorphic.Average heterozygosity(Hc) and genetic diversity index(Ho) of five samplings by Shannon index varied form 0.205 3 to 0.315 0,and 0.297 4 to 0.452 6 respectively.Fixation Index FST between two samplings varied from 0.050 8 to 0.152 4.Partition of total genetic variation indicated that 79.12% was contributed within populations and 20.82% among samplings.The Nei's genetic distances of five samplings varied form 0.059 3 to 0.142 5.There is no significant relationship between the genetic variation of samplings of glass eel and the sampling time or the sampling area.It indicates the all studied glass eels might be originated from one big complex population.But the results from genetic distance,Fixation Index FSt and NJ tree all showed,a rather high difference in genetic distance and genetic diversity could be exist between the premature adult eels and glass eels.

    • Histological studies on the development of digestive system in larval and juvenile Miichthys miiuy


      Abstract (2345) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:利用石蜡包埋连续切片技术,通过对1~40日龄(鱼免)鱼仔稚鱼消化系统组织学发育的观察,探讨了(鱼免)鱼仔稚鱼期不同发育阶段的消化器官组织学结构变化及卵黄囊的吸收机制.在水温为17.3~24.9 ℃的条件下,初孵仔鱼消化管仅为一细长的线状管,位于卵黄囊上方.3日龄仔鱼消化管基本上贯通,变长,肝脏、胰脏出现.4日龄仔鱼卵黄囊完全被吸收,消化管完全贯通,开始摄食.消化管明显分化成食管、胃、肠,此时开始进入外源型营养阶段.9日龄仔鱼,粘膜层出现胃小凹及粘膜褶皱.25日龄仔鱼,胃腺出现,粘膜褶皱增多.28日龄仔鱼,消化系统从结构和功能上趋于完善.本文分析了(鱼免)鱼仔稚鱼消化系统的早期发育特点与摄食、营养方式的关系,并比较了鱼类肝脏、胰脏的组织学发育特点.

    • Histological studies on the development of digestive system in larval and juvenile Miichthys miiuy


      Abstract (2751) HTML (0) PDF 514.26 K (1981) Comment (0) Favorites


    • A primary study on the morphological changes of embryo of Hyriopsis cumingii in nurturing pouch of outer gill


      Abstract (2386) HTML (0) PDF 321.50 K (2078) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effect of feeding frequency on the growth and protease activities of Pelteobagrus vachelli


      Abstract (2585) HTML (0) PDF 360.46 K (2111) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of feeding frequency on feeding rate,specific growth rate,food efficiency and protease activities in a native fish,Pelteobagrus vachelli.Five groups of the juveniles were fed to satiation including: one meal in two days,one meal per day,tow meals per day,three meals per day or four meals per day for 60 days,and the fish were sampled every 20 days.The results showed that from the 21st to 60th day,as feeding frequency increasing,the feeding rate and special growth rate increased significantly(P<0.05);and the fish fed with three meals per day showed higher food efficiency than the fish fed with one meal in two days(P<0.05);but the rests were not significantly different with each other(P>0.05).On the other hand,as feeding frequency decreased,stomach and gut protease activities increased significantly(P<0.05).The present study suggested that the feeding rate of three meals per day is profitable for intensive culture of Pelteobagrus vachelli.

    • Effects of feeding rate on growth and body biochemical composition of Sparus macrocephalus


      Abstract (2493) HTML (0) PDF 323.11 K (1909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:选取同一种饵料设置7个投饵率水平(分别为体重的1.0%、1.5%、2.0%、2.5%、3.0%、3.5%、4.0%),采用静水连续充气养殖系统,在盐度为26.0~27.5、温度为27.8~26.5℃的条件下对黑鲷(Sparus macrocephalus)成鱼和黑鲷鱼种进行为期40d的生长实验。结果表明:(1)黑鲷成鱼和鱼种的相对增重率、特定生长率、饲料转化率的变化趋势基本相同,即随着投饵率的增加,黑鲷的饲料转化率逐渐下降,相对增重率先升高后下降。但是在各指标的变化幅度上,黑鲷鱼种远大于黑鲷成鱼。(2)黑鲷成鱼和鱼种的水分含量随投饵率的增高而下降,脂肪含量随投饵率的升高而增加。(3)适宜投饵率随着黑鲷体重的增加而降低,黑鲷鱼种的适宜投饵率为其体重的3.0%,黑鲷成鱼的适宜投饵率为其体重的2.5%

    • The partial biochemical characteristics of phenoloxidase in Eriocheir sinensis hemolymph


      Abstract (2363) HTML (0) PDF 378.11 K (1956) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The effect of spherical virus on populations and functions of haemocytes in Chlamys farreri


      Abstract (2238) HTML (0) PDF 355.40 K (2035) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Haemocyte characterization of Chlamys farreri was assayed in this study after injection of the spherical virus isolated from the infectious tissues of the scallop collected in the period of massive death in Jiaozhou Bay. At 8 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 128 h after injection with spherical virus, population proportion and mortality of haemocytes from C. farreri were assayed by flow cytometry, and effect of virus on haemocyte functions, including phagocytosis and encapsulation in vitro, was studied by fluorescence microscope. The result showed there was significant difference between subpopulation proportion of experimental groups and control. After infection with virus, the hyalinocyte proportion of haemocytes of experimental groups was significantly higher than that of control groups at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. But the big granulocyte proportion was significantly lower than that of control at 8 h, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. Mortality of haemocytes of experimental groups was significantly higher than that of control at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 128 h. The phagocytosis and encapsulation rate of haemocytes of experimental groups was significantly higher than that of control.

    • Comparative study on functional indices of liver in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and mice


      Abstract (2516) HTML (0) PDF 239.73 K (2045) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The important organelles protein(mitochondria and microsome),cytochromes P450 of drug-metabolizing enzymes as well as aspartate transaminase(AST)and alanine transaminase(ALT) in serum of important liver functional indices were comparatively analyzed by Lowry protein measure,CO difference spectrum and colorimetric method to explore the difference of liver functional indices between largemouth bass and mice from different evolution status.Results showed that the level of mitochondria protein,cytochromes P450 as well as ALT in largemouth bass liver were significantly lower compared to mice.The level of microsome protein and AST in largemouth bass and mice liver were not significantly different.These data suggest that liver functional indices of largemouth bass and mice from different evolution status are significantly different,the functions of liver are closely correlated with the content of cytochromes P450 as well as ALT in liver.

    • Water quality investigation and eutrophication status evaluation in Gehu Lake


      Abstract (2486) HTML (0) PDF 421.42 K (2154) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By investigating water quality of Gehu Lake from Apr. 2004 to Apr. 2005, an analysis is made to development trends of parameters such as diaphaneity, pH, DO, BOD, CODMn, TIN and TP. Eutrophication evaluation was carried out by calculating eutrophication status index of Gehu Lake and contrasting with eutrophication status in twenty years. The results arrived as DO in summer is 3.98 mg/L, BOD average is 4.98 mg/L over the year, CODM, average is 4.59 nag/L, TIN average is 1.37 mg/L and TP average is 0.209 mg/L. Getting rid of the later-mesotrophy stage in south, the eutrophication status of Gehu Lake is eutrophy stage. And the grade weakens gradually from north to south. It is the primary reason of eutrophication that the content of phosphorus and nitrogen in the water body has risen evidently. Water quality of upriver deteriorates and the dense aquatic culture causes pollution, and environmental functions have been damaged and nutrition has accumulated.

    • Effects of temperature and salty changing suddenly on growth and survival rates of juveniles of Rhopilema esculenta


      Abstract (2342) HTML (0) PDF 275.18 K (1964) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Biological characteristics of Cololabis saira in North Pacific Ocean high sea


      Abstract (2424) HTML (0) PDF 233.71 K (2040) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Reactions of cage-cultured large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea)to colors and illumination intensities


      Abstract (2860) HTML (0) PDF 377.85 K (2097) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,we collected data of Pseudosciaena crocea in the breeding farm of Nanji Island Development Co.,Ltd.-Pingyang Zhejiang in Nanji Island from March 19,2005 to May 22,2005.The experimental pond was separated into 4 areas according to the distance from the light source.By 5 kinds of lights(5 colors: green,white,red,yellow,blue;5 kinds of illumination intensities: 100 lx,200 lx,300 lx,400 lx,500 lx) and 7 kinds of nets(black,blue,green,orange,white,bluish green,red) to stimulate Pseudosciaena crocea,their reactions were observed.The results showed that:(1) The reactions to the differences among 7 kinds of nets were highly significant(P<0.01).The percentage of Pseudosciaena crocea swimming through blue and green nets were 64.97%,52.68%,respectively,which was higher than other nets.(2) In the experiment of lights,5 kinds of colors were not significantly different(P>0.05) to the distribution of Pseudosciaena crocea.The 4 areas were significantly different(P<0.01) to the distribution of Pseudosciaena crocea.The differences between Pseudosciaena crocea's trend to higher illumination intensities area(0.5-500 lx) and trend to lower illumination intensities area(0-0.5 lx) was significant(P<0.05).In the higher illumination intensities area,the Pseudosciaena crocea had positive tendency to 300 lx of blue light and 200 lx of green light.

    • An analysis of the income status of fisher folks in China


      Abstract (2626) HTML (0) PDF 396.81 K (2031) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the statistics and the surveys of the income of Chinese fisher folks,the income status of Chinese fisher folks is analyzed in the paper.The statistical data analysis shows that: 1) As a whole in China,the per capita net income average of Fisher Households is higher than that of Rural Households,but much lower than the per capita disposable income of Urban Households;2) recently,specially after 2000,the per capita net income of Fisher Households showed a year-by-year downtrend on the rate of increase,and was dropping in some regions;3) the per capita net income of Fisher Households in coastal regions is higher than that in inland regions,and is quite different from each other.The surveys results show that: 1) in some coastal fishing regions,the per capita net income of Fisher Households was falling to be lower than the per capita net income of Rural Households;some fisher folks were living in need,and run into debt;2) the fishers in coastal developed regions live in dire need caused by high living expenditure;3) the income of fishers in inland fishing regions is low;fisher folks were living in need.Reasons for above mentioned status of the income of fishers are: fish stocks declining,fishing ground reducing,fishing cost rising,and backward means of fishing operation.

    • >综述
    • Review of reproductive biology of Brachyuran


      Abstract (2519) HTML (0) PDF 435.63 K (2155) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Crab is one of the important commercial crustaceans and plays an important role in the marine ecological system as well. Its exploitation and utilization have been recognized in the world. In this paper, the current studies about the fecundity and ovary development of crab have been discussed from study methods, affecting factors and applications. Results showed that the fecundities were different in different species, and related to latitude. The development of ovary was exogenous factors, neural incretion and environment. controlled by a complex interaction of endogenous and Hormones and neurotransmitters control the maturation of the ovary. Temperature, salinity, nutrition, and photoperiod also affect the maturation of the ovary. Weighting and slicing were the traditional and main ways to study the fecundity and ovary, respectively. Volume and dissection are potential ways to do fecundity researches. Results also showed that studies of ovary development should be combined with basic biology of crab, especially physiology, life history and behavior.

    • Discussion on the safety management of fish drug use in aquaculture


      Abstract (2328) HTML (0) PDF 361.70 K (2294) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article introduces the history of fish drugs,fish drugs use principle and the construction of the management mechanism for safety in fish drugs usage. It was noticed that some problems existed in present fish drugs usage, and some suggestions were put forward in the article in this aspect. The research on fish drugs usage was developed along with the investigation of fishery disease and pathogeny. Before 1980, the investigation of fish drugs laid particular stress on application, for example, selection of drugs, efficiency concentration, safety concentration, usage methods and range of usage. At the end of 1980, there was commodity of fish drugs developed in the market, for example Yufukang A and Yufukang B, along with research work in fish bacteria disease. It was discussed that the management mechanism for safety in fish drugs usage should be established in China, which will include the administrate system, usage standard system, the technical supporting system, the examination system, safety evaluation system and residue monitoring and control system.

    • >研究简报
    • AFLP fingerprinting of the introduced stock of Sarotherodon melanotheron in China


      Abstract (2246) HTML (0) PDF 238.31 K (1932) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic fingerprinting of the introduced stock of Sarotherodon melanotheron in China was analyzed using AFLP technique. A total of 247 fragments were detected in the 25 samples using eight primer pairs, the number of fragments produced by each pair of primers were 27 -34, the average fragments was 30.9, the average polymorphic loci of this stock were 16.6%. 25 genotypes were found with each sample owning one genotype. The genetic similarities of the introduced stock of S. melanotheron varied form 0.925 to 0. 995. These results could be served as genetic base for its management and conversation.

    • Preliminary evaluation on effects of artificial reef project in Shengsi


      Abstract (2532) HTML (0) PDF 353.74 K (2151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The biomass variation compared to background investigation,fisheries species diversity and composition of economic species between artificial reef(ARs) site and reference site were analysied based on the data from 5 surveys carried out in 2004 and 2005 respectively.Preliminary evaluation on artificial reef project in its No.1 step in Shengsi shows that:(1) After the deployment of ARs in reef area,its resources enhanced gradually by 75% in average while reference site came out in a opposite variation by 36% in average;(2)The species diversity of fishery resources remains almost the same between ARs site and reference site before AR were set,but increased gradually after ARs were deployed.During the other 3 surveys,the diversity indexes of ARs site have exceeded those in reference site by 25% in each season;(3) In the same season,the number of economic species remains about 10 before and after construction of ARs in reference site,while in ARs site,the situation is quite different,it increased a lot,even became 2 times as many as in reference site.It is concluded from those results that the fishery productivity in ARs site has improved a lot compared to reference site in the same time,and community structural has been improved too.The economic and ecological effects of artificial reef have been proved to be good in its preliminary step.

Volume , No. 3

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