• Volume 0,Issue 3,2006 Table of Contents
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    • Analysis on Vibrio bacterial flora in Takifugu obscurus by PCR-DGGE


      Abstract (2444) HTML (0) PDF 275.98 K (2010) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:采用16S rDNA特征序列PCR-DGGE法,分析了不同饵料饲养的暗纹东方的表皮、性腺和肠道中,以弧菌为主的细菌群落的组成。结果表明:(1)共鉴定出暗纹东方体内18种微生物,均归属于变形细菌的gamma亚群,其中13种为弧菌科细菌,3种为肠杆菌科细菌,2种为气单胞菌属细菌;(2)投喂鲜活鱼虾的与投喂人工配合饲料的暗纹东方肠道和性腺中的细菌组成是不同的,在性腺中分离到的所有12种细菌中,只有2种细菌是相同的,约占17%;在肠道中分离到的所有13种细菌中,有4种是相同的,约占31%。而在表皮上所分离到的11种细菌中,有7种细菌是相同的,约占64%;(3)DGGE特征条带V1、V13、V18、V14和V17所代表的细菌只在表皮组织被分离到,V6所代表的细菌仅出现在以鲜活鱼虾作为饵料的暗纹东方性腺中,V5所代表的细菌仅出现在以鲜活鱼虾作为饵料的暗纹东方肠道中;(4)DGGE特征条带V5、V8、V13、V18、V6、V14和V17所代表的细菌不能在TCBS培养基上培养,占18种被鉴定的细菌总数的39%。

    • Comparison of culture and pearl performances among Hyriopsis schlegeli, Hyriopsis cumingii and their reciprocal hybrids


      Abstract (2906) HTML (0) PDF 231.26 K (1971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:使用三角帆蚌、池蝶蚌作为亲本进行自交与杂交,获得了4群体F1。对实施手术无核插片手术后1年、2年、3年的4群体F1的养殖效果与育珠性能进行了比较。结果表明,在各年龄组育珠性能方面,反交F1>池蝶蚌>正交F1>三角帆蚌,且反交F1具有显著杂交优势;正交F1在壳长、成活率方面具有一定杂交优势,其它方面指标均低于池蝶蚌,略高于三角帆蚌。实施插片手术3年的反交F1较同龄的三角帆蚌每只蚌平均产珠重量增加31.96%,大规格珍珠(Φ>8 mm)比例增加2.71倍,成活率提高20.14%;较同龄的池蝶蚌每只蚌平均产珠重量增加14.95%,大规格珍珠(Φ>8 mm)比例增加54.01%,成活率提高10.14%。

    • Cloning and prokaryotic expression of the cDNA of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in Oreochromis aurea


      Abstract (2689) HTML (0) PDF 355.64 K (1908) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cDNA encoding gonadotropin-releasing hormone(GnRH) and GnRH associated peptide(GAP) was amplified from total RNA from Oreochromis aurea pituitary glands by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) method,and then blasted against other GnRH cDNA sequences in the GenBank.The analysis of the sequence data indicated that the coding region of the cDNA fragment,which encoded 89 amino acid redidues,is about 400 bp in size.A high homology was found with the GnRH coding region within O.niloticus,O.aurea and S.aurata.The amplified cDNA fragment was cloned into the prokaryotic expression vector,pMAL-c2x,to produce the expression vector pMAL-GnRH.The recombinant plasmid was transformed into E.coli TB1.GnRH-MBP fusion protein was obtained after the addition of IPTG into the growth media.SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that the GnRH-MBP was expressed after induction with IPTG for 4h.A protein band of 56 kD appeared on SDS-PAGE gel.It is anticipated that the fusion protein will be proved useful for further research.

    • Checking of cis-acting element of Lentinula edodes by transient expression of GUS gene


      Abstract (2532) HTML (0) PDF 220.15 K (1903) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A function-checking vector,pYF3553 was constructed,GUS gene as the reporter gene,whose upstream was the fusion-promoter consisted of cis-acting elements of Lentinula edodes and a yeast Cyc1 gene mini-promoter.Two function-checking vector,whose cis-acting elements of Lentinula edodes were XG108 and XG111,were named pXG108 and pXG111.By transforming of the pXG108 into protoplasts of Lentinula edodes,transient expression of GUS activity was twice as high as the control.This phenomenon revealed the obvious expression of GUS gene and the modulation function of its upstream sequence.Transient GUS gene expression of the two vector,pXG108 and pXG111,was different.Difference existed in the transient GUS gene expression between the two cis-acting elements of Lentinula edodes,pXG108 and pXG111 resemble the expression effect in yeast of that.A detailed analysis of superiority and disadvantage for the method utilizing the transient GUS gene expression to detect the unknow function of cis-acting elements of edible fungi was also brought forward.

    • Occurrence and stay period of the juvenile Liza haematocheila in the surf zone of Yangtze Estuary


      Abstract (2522) HTML (0) PDF 202.39 K (1989) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:2004年3-8月在长江口沿岸碎波带5个站位用小型拖网(1 m×4 m,网目1 mm)采集到鱼稚鱼754尾,平均密度为10.9尾/网次,以6月的出现尾数最多,5月份最少。平均密度以St.2最高(80.6尾/网次)。通过研究St.2鱼稚鱼的平均体长及生长规律,其平均体长呈逐月递增趋势,表明该鱼以沿岸碎波带作为其保育场。对205尾鱼稚鱼的耳石日生长轮的观察结果,其日轮数与体长呈对数相关,并由耳石日轮数推算出其为3-6月孵化的个体。孵化后约20~46 d的个体在沿岸碎波带水域进行短期生活。鱼稚鱼在保育场的生长规律揭示了在进行海岸工程时必须强调对生态环境和水生生物保护的重要性。

    • Species distribution and diversity of Appendicularia in the East China Sea


      Abstract (3084) HTML (0) PDF 299.07 K (2254) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:根据1997-2000年东海23°30′~33°00′N1、18°30′~128°00′E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,运用生态学指标,探讨了东海有尾类种的组成、种数季节变化和平面分布、多样性指数(H′)变化。结果表明:本次调查共记录东海有尾类6种,其中异体住囊虫(Oikopleura dioica)、长尾住囊虫(O.longicauda)和红粒住囊虫(O.rufescens)是东海的常见种,中型住囊虫(O.intermedia)也较为常见,梭形住囊虫(O.fusiformis)和Oikopleura.Spp.则是稀有种;除了Oikopleura.Spp.,其他种在4个季节均有出现,种类季节交替不明显。异体住囊虫有较高的出现率,对环境有广泛的适应;长尾住囊虫也有广泛的分布,但其出现率明显低于异体住囊虫,与异体住囊虫相比,其更有暖水种的特征。红粒住囊虫出现的海区具有高温高盐的特征,可以认为该种是暖水种。中型住囊虫主要在夏季出现,也是暖水种。东海有尾类以分布在外海暖流势力控制的水域为主,显示出该类浮游动物具有暖水性的特征。东海有尾类多样性指数(H′)值较低,个别优势种的集群性,是形成多样性指数值较低的主要原因。

    • Cytological observations on the gonad of Coilia ectenes in Yangtze River


      Abstract (2592) HTML (0) PDF 198.55 K (2006) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Influence of water salinity on embryonic development of sea-slug Onchidium sp.


      Abstract (2564) HTML (0) PDF 350.00 K (1924) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effects of photoperiod on the growth of yellow perch Perca flavescens


      Abstract (2692) HTML (0) PDF 258.53 K (1935) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The current situation and the countermeasures of protection and development of fish resources in Ulungur Lake


      Abstract (2765) HTML (0) PDF 202.49 K (2166) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Research on the current situation of fish resources in Ulungur Lake.The study shows: There are 7 species of native fish,after transplanting by introducing species and filling the lake with water,the species were increased to 22 among them,18 species are the economic fish and the superior species is transferred from Leusiscus leusiscus baicalensis(Dybowski) to Hypomesus olidus(Pallas).During the past 40 years,the annual fish production has been fluctuated 800-4400 t.With the exacerating of human activities,the water surroundings have been changed and the fish resources have lost its balance,especially,the superior native fish resources have an invisible decline.Therefore,to strengthen care of the fish by law,the science and the technology encouraging the fish and lower catch strength,protect the fishery water environment,change to depend on the nature to multiply greatly only to add the resources,science leads to transplantation,making use of fish to produce potential well,constructing high-quality fish to grow the quality resources database,the value processes to protect the fresh industry,developing the recreational fishery etc,counter plan,attainability the fishery resources of that lake can keep on to develop the target.

    • Effect of different models of stocking and management on growth and yield of freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii


      Abstract (2646) HTML (0) PDF 162.32 K (2130) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To examine the effect of stocking and management models on growth and yield of freshwater pearl mussel,Hyriopsis cumingii,an enclosure experiment was carried out in the Science and Technology Service Center for Freshwater Pearl Industry of Zhejiang Province at Fengqiao,Zhuji,from July 28 to October 28,2004.Three types of stocking including monoculture of the pearl mussel,polyculture of the pearl mussel and gibel carp(Carassius auratus gibelio), and polyculture of the pearl mussel,silver carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp(Aristichthys nobilis) were established.For each type of stocking,two types of management including fertilizing and the combined use of fertilizer and formulated diet were used.At the start and end of the enclosure experiment,shell length,shell width,total weight of the pearl mussel,and body weight of the fish were measured.Yield of the pearl mussel and fish was calculated based on survival and growth of the pearl mussel and fish.Results of the experiment show that growth and yield of the 1 year-old and 2 year-old pearl mussel are closely dependent on the stocking model used,while the management model examined does not affect growth and yield of the pearl mussel significantly.By using polyculture,yield of both the pearl mussel and fish can be multiplied.Further comparison shows polyculture with gibel carp results in relatively good growth of 1 year-old mussel,and polyculture with silver carp and bighead carp is helpful to enhance growth of 2 year-old mussel.

    • Resources of benthic algae from intertidal zone on Naozhou Island in spring


      Abstract (2616) HTML (0) PDF 189.40 K (2008) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The survey on the resources of benthic algae was carried out in Naozhoudao in spring from 2003 to 2005.The composition and biomass of them were studied,and the ecological distribution sections of every alga were summarized.The results are as follows:1.56 genera,87 species of them were found.They are identified as: 3 genus,4 species in Cyanophyta;14 genera,27 species in Chlorophyta,32 genera,44 species in Rhodophyta,7 genera,12 species in Phaeophyta.2.The number of species in Tanjing was the most.3.The quantity and distributing of species among months were different.4.On the average biomass in Tanjing was the most in Mar.;Dalang was the most in Apr.,and Cunliang was the most in May.5.The algae were chiefly distributed in middle intertidal zone and lower intertidal zone.

    • Study on method of protein removal from crude Mytilus edulis Linnaeus polysaccharides


      Abstract (2433) HTML (0) PDF 358.02 K (2038) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:探讨了酶法与Sevage法联用脱除紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis linnaeus)多糖蛋白。通过正交中心组合实验,应用响应面分析法考察酶法脱蛋白的工艺条件。结果表明,酶法脱蛋白的最优工艺参数为:pH7.1,枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶加入量0.5U/mg粗多糖,温度41℃,氯化钙加入量7.4mg/g,时间3h。在酶解的基础上应用Sevage法脱除游离蛋白,适宜的工艺条件为:氯仿:正丁醇=5:1,料液比4:1,振摇时间20min。酶法与Sevage联用法脱除贻贝多糖蛋白的脱除率为78.5%;与其它传统脱蛋白方法比较,该法适应范围广、样品损耗少、经济、快速、效果理想,为多糖的分离纯化研究提供了有益的参考。

    • Numerical simulation on temperature field in the doorway of a minitype cold store


      Abstract (2474) HTML (0) PDF 801.49 K (2109) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Recently,computational fluid dynamics(CFD) has been used extensively in many fields of industry along with the development of the computer science and fluid mechanics theory.In this paper,the unsteady numerical simulation in the doorway was done by CFD,the temperature field in the doorway of a minitype cold store was analyzed.The space of the influence on the cold store by the environment was also discussed.The unstesdy temperature field in two 20s' periods of opening and closing door was simulated,it's found that the natural flow caused by the density differences is the major flow of the air around the door.It was also found that the temperature field in the downside recovered quickly,but that in the upside was not as fast as it.It needs 20 seconds to get back the initial condition.The result shows that the simulation can reflect the reality well.

    • Network diagnosis and fault tree system of construction machinery based on LabVIEW


      Abstract (2885) HTML (0) PDF 264.57 K (1969) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The complex working status requires construction machinery having higher reliability. Using the interrelationship between fault phenomena and fault causation, and display simulation bar on LCD, sounding and lighting Mann, the fault tree of gear shift and engine of construction machinery was established on the basis of the expert system. A remote network monitoring and diagnosis system based on Virtual Instruments is presented and the method of remote network monitoring and fault diagnosis based on LabVIEW is given. The functions of fault returning checking, fault re-displaying, fault inquiring, and LCD auto-adjusting are carried out. The research result will be an effective measure of improving system reliability of fault diagnosis of construction machinery.

    • The design and implementation of college OA based on Web


      Abstract (2248) HTML (0) PDF 185.53 K (2101) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:OA system is one of key technology for college information construction and has important significance. Based on the real demand of college working on digital campus, the functions for college OA system are analyzed, such as official document processing, meeting management, information publishing, individual office, schedule management of leader, and transaction processing. According to the features of OA system, the system design is selectively summarized, including the design of system structure, design of security, design of compatibility. According to the actual application in college, some typical techniques in the implementation of college OA based on web are simply introduced, such as workflow, security, vestige reservation, electronic seal and office reminder.

    • >综述
    • Classification of offshore fish cages and their performances


      Abstract (2464) HTML (0) PDF 287.48 K (3403) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Offshore fish cage becomes an important marine culture facility because it has a relatively large volume to provide sufficient culture capacity with special designed structure to withstand strongerwave,flow and wind forces at open water areas.This paper gives an overview of classification methodology of cages based on their working mode,structures,material and performances,etc.Their structures,mechanical properties,ability of survival in stronger wave and current have been discussed on the 17 selected types of cages which are currently used in marine aquaculture around the world.The results indicated that,according to their working mode,the varieties of floating type cages are the most with 52.9%; According to the cage structures,the gravity type and self-tensioned-and-self-supporting type cages account for 52.9% and 41.2% respectively;According to the flexibility of frame,the cages can be classified as the flexible frame(or non-rigid frame) and the rigid frame,their proportions are about the same;According to frame material quality,the metal cages are the most widely used up to 52.9%.In those,the gravity cages show good performance and are widely used in fishery due to simple structure,lower costs,easy operation,however,higher tension existing and concentrated on part of the netting or meshes,which might cause netting tearing and the reduction of volume of cage due to stronger current etc.,will bring about limitation on the application of gravity cages in the open water area with strong current.The rigid self-tensioned-and-self-supporting cages have advantages having a stable operation platform and easy to apply modern automatic technology or facilities.It can be expected that the rigid self-tensioned-and-self-supporting cages will be widely applied to cage culture while new material and technology are introduced.

    • >研究简报
    • Treatment of wastewater in breeding larva pond at estuary area


      Abstract (2451) HTML (0) PDF 207.81 K (1919) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effect of adding coated amino acid on growth and body composition of allogynogenetic crucian carp


      Abstract (2554) HTML (0) PDF 130.87 K (2035) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of coated amino acids.In Exp.1,crystal Lys,Met were coated with hardened lipid or gelatin,and the leaching loss in the water were 57%,14.3%,21.3% for crystal,hardened lipid coated and gelatin coated Lys,and 87.7%,19.0%,28.0% for crystal,harden lipid coated and gelatin coated Met.So the leaching loss of amino acid was significantly reduced by coating techniques.In Exp.2,0.23% Lys and 0.09% Met of crystal,hardened lipid coated and gelatin coated styles were added into basal diet(control group) containing 9% fish meal,to feed allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerling with body weight of(2.48 g.) After 6 weeks feeding,the growing rate of the four groups were 169.8%,173.3%,201.4%,200.2% for control group,crystal,hardened lipid coated and gelatin coated amino acids respectively.There was no effect of adding crystal amino acid on growing performance,but growing rate was improved by 18.6%,17.9%(P<0.05) and feed coefficient was decreased by 0.28,0.37(P<0.05) by adding hardened lipid or gelatin coated amino acid.Adding crystal or coated amino acid had no effect on muscle composition.Results above showed that the amino acid availability is significantly improved and the leaching loss in the water reduced by coating with hardened lipid or gelatin.

    • Analysis of the nutritional composition in muscle of Coreius heterodon


      Abstract (2569) HTML (0) PDF 159.34 K (1888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on samples collected from Yichang segment of the Yangtze River,the nutritional composition in muscle of Coreius heterodon was analyzed.The results showed as follows: The flesh ratio of C.heterodon was(68.13%;) the content of moisture in muscle was 69.58%;the content of crude protein,crude fat,ash,Ca,and P in dry matter was 72.98%,17.10%,5.14%,0.64% and 1.14% respectively.In dry matter the total content of amino acids was 62.27%;the percentage of essential amino acids,delicious amino acids in total amino acids was 42.90%,44.05% respectively.The essential amino acids index(EAAI) of C.heterodon was 71.23.

    • Preparation of microencapsulation of enrofloxacin by freezing-dry and determination of controlled-release properties


      Abstract (2502) HTML (0) PDF 173.84 K (1850) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Application of the serial interface communication and MapX on the monitoring of fishery resource


      Abstract (2428) HTML (0) PDF 148.01 K (1917) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the implementation of the function of dynamic data exchange by different users under Windows and dynamic display and monitoring, the data from GPS receiver was displayed on the animation layers of MapX through serial interface communication controller provided by VB. This technology was applied in the minitoring of fisheries resources and the track of monitoring ship on the animation layers was converted into region through programming. The traipsed area was precisely calculated and fisheries resources was precisely estimated.



      Abstract (2144) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites


Volume , No. 3

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