WANG Cheng-hui , LI Si-fa , ZHAO Jin-liang ated by the Ministry of Agriculture , Shanghai Fisheries University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:Anatomic and histological observations have been made for mandibular organ (MO) in precocious and normal Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis), and it was found that the MO of precocious crab well developed in autumn (1st year). The diameter of MO cell reached its maximum value in November. While the MO cells of juvenile normal crab were quite small and close arrangement in autumn (1st year), the MO was not developed until in autumn second year. The diameter of MO cell of adult normal crab (two autumn crab) reached its maximum value in October, and was much bigger than that of precocious crab (p<0.05). Therefore, the MO of precocious crab developed one year earlier than that of normal crab. In autumn, the speed and degree of MO development of precocions crab were more less than those of two autumn crab. This may be the reason for precocious crab to have slower vitellogenesis and one month delay reaching the late second vitellogenesis stage. The most distinguished features for ultrastructure of MO cells are rich in varied shapes of smooth endoplasmic reticulun, polymorphic mitochondria with tubular critae and numerous free ribosomes.
WANG Gui-ling , WEI Rong-bian , QIU Gao-feng
Abstract:采用不同浓度的17β 雌二醇注射中华绒螯蟹雄性幼蟹,每隔7d注射1次,共注射5次,35d后取样。利用组织切片技术和电镜技术研究了中华绒螯蟹促雄腺显微和超微结构的变化。常规石蜡切片显示,处理组的促雄腺细胞直径明显小于对照组,同时,电镜切片结果也表明在不同浓度的处理组,促雄腺在β 雌二醇的影响下,腺细胞出现不同程度的退化,如腺细胞核变形,呈不规则的形状,核仁消失,核内异染色质增多等,而8μg/g体重的处理组效果最明显,细胞质内出现溶酶体,其它细胞器很少见。随着浓度的增加,17β 雌二醇对中华绒螯蟹促雄腺的发育及分泌抑制作用愈明显。
TANG Wen-qiao~ , ZHANG Chun-guang~
Abstract:Distributed in continental shelf depths of all tropica and subtropical oceans,Ophichthidae can burrow in sand and mud substrates or coral reefs by pointed rayless tail tips or acute snouts.Ophichthidae contains more than 260 species distributed among 55 genera,representing the greatest specialization diversity in Anguiliformes.Ophichthidae possess similar morphological or osteological characters,so more difficult to be identified.Diagnostic characters for the recognition of species include the presence or absence of pectoral fin,the position of dorsal fin origin,gill opening,anus,nostril opening and eye,the cirri present or not,the dentition type,the body coloration,and the head pores or lateral line etc. The present paper reviews the history and present situation of studies on Ophichthidae,summarizes the morphological characteristics,the phylogenetic relationships among genera in great detail.An identification key of Chinese Ophichthidae is provided for each of the 13 genera and 33 species recognized.
PAN Hou-jun~ , WU Shu-qin~ , DONG Chuan-fu~ , SHI Cun-bin~ YE Mei-xi~ , LIN Tian-long~ , HUANG Zhi-bin~
Abstract:从患溃疡病的鳜肾脏中分离出一株病原细菌编号为GYK1。此株病菌人工感染鳜、银鲫、剑尾鱼,实验鱼出现出血、肌肉坏死或溃疡症状;腹腔注射攻毒,对鳜、银鲫、剑尾鱼、小鼠的半致死剂量(LD50)分别为8.33×104、1.06×105、1.26×105、1.05×106CFU/g;菌培养液上清能溶解鳜、加洲鲈、银鲫、小鼠、兔、绵羊、人O型血等的红细胞,在绵羊血平板上为β 溶血,不同代次和保存条件的细菌溶血性稳定。细菌在电镜下的形态、生化特性和ID32E系统自动鉴定的结果均符合嗜水气单胞菌的特征;PCR扩增检测到嗜水气单胞菌特异性的毒力基因气溶素基因(aerA)209bp片段,进一步说明此株病原细菌为含有毒力基因的嗜水气单胞菌。实验结果表明,GYK1是一株毒力和溶血性均较强的嗜水气单胞菌。
GONG Xiao-ling , BAO Bao-long , SU Jin-xiang
JI Gao-hua , LIU Zhi-zhi , LENG Xiang-jun ated by the Ministry of Agriculture , Shanghai Fisheries University , Shanghai , China)
Abstract:The growth and activities of superoxide dismutase and lysozyme of soft-shelled turtle were measured and compared through feeding with 0.2%, 0.3% of betaglucan and 0.15%, 0.25% of fructooligosaccharieds in basal formulated diet on the 100th feeding day. The results showed that the weight and survival rate of 0.25% fructooligosaccharides group were significantly higher than control group's(P<0.05). The weight and survival rate of 0.3% betaglucan showed a trend of higher than that of control group, but not significant(P>0.05). The activity of superoxide dismutase of 0.25% fructooligosaccharides group was 31.3% higher than that of control group(P<(0.05)). The activity of superoxide dismutase of 0.3% betaglucan was higher than that of control group but not significantly(P>0.05). There was no significant difference on the activities of lysozyme among the groups of (0.25%) fructooligosaccharides, 0.3% betaglucan group and control group(P>0.05).
ZHOU Qi-cun~ , ZHENG Shi-xuan~
Abstract:Two growth trials were conducted to investigate the effects of DL-carnitine and L-carnitine on the growth, feed utilization and body composition of shrimp Penaeus monodon and Penaeus vannamei. DL-carnitine and L-carnitine were added with different supplement doses (0, 100mg/kg, 200mg/kg, 300mg/kg diet) in the shrimp Penaeus monodon and L-carnitine with different supplement doses (0, 50mg/kg, 100mg/kg, 200mg/kg, 300mg/kg diet) in the diet of shrimp of Penaeus vannamei. Triplicate groups of 40 shrimp (initial body weight of 0.85g) were fed by hand with experimental diets, the growth trial lasted one month. The results showed that the supplementation of L-carnitine or DL-carnitine can not increase the growth rate and improve feed utilization of Penaeus monodon and Penaeus vannamei (P>0.05). In the trial of Penaeus monodon, the lipid content of whole body decreased significantly from 4.69% (control group) to 3.47% and 3.55% respectively with supplementation of 300mg/kg DL-carnitine or L-carnitine (P<0.05). In the experiment of Penaeus vannamei, with the supplementation of 200mg/kg and 300mg/kg of L-carnitine, the lipid contents of whole body were decreased significantly from 7.09% (control group) to 6.04% and 5.72% respectively (P<0.05).
DONG Zhi-guo~ , LI Jia-le~ , WANG Mei-zhen~ , CHEN Han-chun~ , CHEN Xian-long~ rtificated by the Ministry of Agriculture , Shanghai Fisheries University , Shanghai , China , . Cixi Fisheries Institute , Zhejiang Province , Cixi , China)
Abstract:The relationship of the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of Hyriopsis cummingii with body size and temperature in standard metabolism was studied under controlled laboratory condition in this paper. The results indicate that size of individual, water temperature and both together have significant effects on OCR (P<0.01). Among these effects, effect of body size>that of temperature>the mixed effect. OCR decreases as the increase of body size and there is a negative exponential regressive function OR=aW~(-b),b value of 0.7715-0.9709, With a mean value of (0.875). The experiment indicates OCR rises with the rise of temperature in a temperature range; nevertheless, OCR decreases and even the respiration of Hyriopsis cummingii ceases when exceeding the upper critical point.
MA Hai-juan , ZANG Wei-ling , CUI Ying
WANG Yan~ , JIN Zheng-yu~ , XU Xue-ming~ , WANG Wei~ , XU Ji-chun~
Abstract:采用菊粉酶活力测定的方法研究了酵母菌C10所产菊粉酶的酶学性质。该酶的最适温度和最适pH分别为50℃,5.5。在此条件下,该酶酶活力达到12.0U/mL,I/S值为14.0,其水解菊粉后低聚糖得率为29%。1.5%菊芋干粉为合成菊粉酶较好的诱导物;Mn2 ,Ca2 ,Mg2 对菊粉酶有激活作用,Zn2 ,Cu2 ,Fe2 有抑制作用。该菊粉酶中胞外酶,胞壁酶,胞内酶分布为7.5∶0.5∶2.0。研究了底物浓度对酶反应的影响,当底物浓度达到20mg/mL时,产物浓度基本不变,反应初速度达到最大值。
Abstract:近年来,每年的5月-6月,浙江沿海对虾和梭子蟹养殖的池塘中,经常会出现大量芽口枝管水母(Proboscidatyla ornata Mccrady)等海洋水母类生物。水母类生物捕食池塘中的浮游生物,破坏了池塘微生态环境和养殖生物的饵料结构;同时水母也捕食虾、蟹幼苗,造成养殖品种单位水体的密度下降;而且其分泌的有害毒素更危及养殖品种的生长,严重时将造成养殖生产的失败。2002-2003年试验组筛选出茶籽饼作为杀灭水母的药物,经试验和生产性应用,低浓度茶籽饼浸出液12h内能有效地杀灭水母,而且对甲壳类等养殖生物无明显影响。同时在浙江省岱山县栲门围塘养殖基地大面积发生水母的池塘中进行了推广应用,取得了明显的效果。该方法、为国内首创。现将试验结果报告如下。
Abstract:10 羟基 2 癸烯酸(10 Hydroxy 2 DecenoicAcid简称10 HDA)是一种不饱和脂肪酸。10 HDA具有强烈抑制移植性AKR白血病、TA3乳腺癌及多种腹水型艾利虚癌等癌细胞生长的作用[1]。研究表明10 HDA具有免疫调节和抗肿瘤的作用,还具有极高的药用和保健价值。对10 HDA在毒理学、药理
Abstract:《计算机应用基础》考核一直是困惑我校教学部门的问题。经历了从最原始的笔试形式,到上机操作考试后由人工阅卷等过程,耗时费力,效果又不理想,为此,组织开发完成了该课程的计算机自动考试系统。该系统经1500人次的新生入学免修考的实践,效果良好。系统包括了考生报名子系统、题库子系统、自动阅卷子系统、考试管理子系统等。1 考试系统的功能模块1.1 考生报名子系统基于Web的考生报名子系统,运用了有关的ASP技术[1],建立考试报名主页。功能有:考生通过网上申请报名考试,在确认考生资格、身份验证后,即时编排,返回考试的场次号、考…
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