ZHAN Bing-Yi , CHEN Ya-Ming , Dai Xiao-Jie
Abstract:On the basis of investigated data of crab and megalopa yield and of environ mental factors, the simple Ricker stock-recruitment model, R = 9. 583P exp (-0.001406P) was obtained. The optimum index of spawning stocks is 711. 2. In the meantime, the Ricker model including variation of environmental factors was given below. Rt = (55. 847 -1 6. 122X,1(t ) - 32. 100X2 (t ) - 56. 460X3 (t ) 29. 471X4 (t) )Pt exp (- 0.001406Pt), Where Rt as index of recruitment, Pt as index of spawning stock, X1 as index of average water temperature in May, X2 as index of average water temperature from March to May, X3 as index of average runoff from last December to March in this year , and X4 as index of average runoff in May. The seriousness of present resources of Chinese mitten-handed crab and its megalopa was discussed. Some regulatory methods of resuming and protecting the crab resources,making rational utilization of resources of nature megalopa and prospering this fishery in Changjiang river estuary were suggested.
HU De-Liang , CHEN You-Rong , LI Bai-Lin , QI Feng-Lan , LI Shu-Xia , ZHANG Xue-Hua
Abstract:The strain of HL- 9901 induced from Xanthomonas campestris was used in the experiment. with orthogonal design and statistical analysis, the optimal prescription for fermentation was composed of 4 % starch, 2 % glucose, 0. 1 %peptone, 0. 1 % NaNO3, 0. 3% (NH4 )2HPO4, 0. 3% K2HPO4, 0. 1 % MgSO4, and 0. 09% CaCO3, and 1. 5 % glucose was supplemented after 30 hours fermentation. The final productivity of xanthan gum was 4. 063 g/100mL, the transformation of carbon source was 54. 17% and the time of fermentation could t,e shortened to 54 hours. Meantime, some relevant parameters were measured in the course of fermentation with the optimized culture.
ZHOU Hong-Qi , PAN Zhao-Long , Li Shi-Qin , QIN Zhi-Biao
LUI Qi-Gen , SHEN He-Ding , ZHOU Hong-Qi , LU Wei-Min
MI Zhen-Qin , XIE Jun , PAN De-Bo , ZHANG Yue , YAN Xu-Dong , ZHUANG Shi-Peng
Abstract:The main factors affecting the phytoplankton fecundity are nitrogen in NO3or NH4 , phosphorus in phosphate, manganese, etc in the shrimp ponds. The correlative co-efficiency between phytoplankton Skannan-weaver index and eutrophy is significant (R=0. 90 or so). This index is also related to the shrimp survival rate. The correlative co-efficiency between physicochemical factor and shrimp survival rate is not significant, but the varl able coefficient of physicochemical factors is highly ralated to shrimp survival rate. Through adding the photosynthetic bacterium and chloride dioxide (ClO2) to clean water body in pond, the occurrence of shrimp disease reduces.
CUI Long-Bo , MA Sheng-Yuan , LIU Ping , WANG Ming-Juan , WANG Yan-Bo
Abstract:Histological and Histochemical studies on digestive system of Mytilus edulis were reported in this paper. The digestive system of Mytilus edulis consists of digestive gland and digestive tract-esophagus, stomach(including style sac), intestine and rectum. The digestive gland is a compound tubular gland having two kinds of cells:digestive cells and basophilic cells. The wall of the digestive tract is made of three layers:tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa and tunica serosa, no muscular layer. Most of the epithelia are ciliated columnar cells. Histochemical studies show the basophilic cells in the gland contain abundant protein and RNA. The digestive cells contain lipid and many kinds of enzymes:non-specific esterase,acid phosphatase, proteinase, lipase and alkaline phosphatase. But the kinds and the activity of enzymes are less and weaker than that in the digestive gland.
Abstract:In this paper, based on the scope, specification, definitions and requirements of the ISO 14000 series of enviromental management standards (EMS), a primary comparative study on the conservation and protection of fisheries resources and environment mangement in China has been carried out. The study will help creating the understanding of the tendency of fisheries management and related concepts of conventions and regulations in the world, and give comments on the fishery ecosystem protection of China,particularly emphasis the importance of species variation and the balance of ecosystem. The paper suggested that (1) The companies, corporations, firms, enterprises, and government authorities or institutions in China should establish and maintain procedures to make their employees or members at each level to create the awareness on the importance of fisheries resources conservation and environment protection. (2) The top manager (or management) of the organization should establish and define the organization's fisheries resources and environmental policy and related planning, which should be available to the public for the checking and monitoring. (3) To establish a records system, collecting the documents of all activities of fishing operation and relative processing and transportation, as evidences for checking and inspection. (4) To establish a "green mark" or "eco-labeling" system, and to establish the law or regulations for forbidding and preventing the fishing, selling and buying the undersize fishes and larvae from illegal catch. The eco-labeling program proposed in the FAO consultant meeting should be paid more attention, and related research work should be organized in the national level to meet the requirements of international fisheries management.
Abstract:By measuring the dielectric constant and loss factor of agar gel (99wt%moisture content) containing sodium chloride (concentration: 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 3, 0. 4, 0. 5, 1, 1. 5,2%) to investigate the effect of salt concentration on dielectric properties of agar gel with high water content was studied. Meanwhile, the possibility to use the dielectric properties of agar gel simulated as real food under microwave heating was discussed in this study as well,which broadens the applicability in studying the temperature distributing of food by thermometry of liquid crystal.
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