XIE Jun , XIAO Xue-Zheng , HUANG Zhang-Han , WU Rui-Quan , LU Mai-Xin
Abstract:The gray correlativity analysis was applied to study the effect of dominantfactors on net-production-cost in high-yield-fish-pond for the Pearl River Delta and YangtzeDelta. The dominant factors effected on net-yield were input of grasses, input of figerings,and the dominant factor effected on net-production-cost was input of grasses in Pearl RiverDelta. As for the Yangtze Delta, the dominant factors effect on net-yield were input of spiralshell, input of fingerings, and the dominant factors effected on net-production-cost wereinput of fingerings and input of spiral shell. The gray dynamics models GM(1, 2) of net-yieldfor these areas were built by using dominant factors.
ZHANG Bang-Jie , LIANG Ren-Jie
Abstract:In this paper growth characteristics of pond-reared Sparus latus and its rearing technique were studied. The peak of growth period of monoculture Sparus latus was atthe age of one-year. According to von Bertalanffy equation, the growth equations for itslength and weight under the artificial culture condition could be experssed as Lt=248.1759[1-e-1.0314(t 0.1483)]and Wt=469.2926 [1 - e-1.0314(t 0.1483) ]2. 8302 respectively. The growthinflection points of body weight is at tr=0. 86. The area of rearing ponds about 400hm2 islocated on the river mouth and coastal beach. The yearly average output of its monoculturewas 7. 3t/hm2, as to the polyculture, major culture with S. latus, its average output was8. 25t/hm2. The optimum catchable size of the fish was 200g, and the ratio of input tooutput was 1: 1.33.
YU Jing-An , SHI Zheng-Feng , YU Bing-Ru
Abstract:According to feeding and habitat ecology the technical process of Macrobrachium nipponense culture was designed. By the cultivating practice the following resultswere recorded: (1) The production of M. nipponense was 90 - 105kg/1000m2, the prawns(2.0- 2. 5g/ind) had 60-70%, when one time breeding prawn fry, much times catchingprawns per year. (2) The yield of M. nipponense was 204kg/1000m2, when two tirnes breeding fry, two times catching prawns, but it was too miscellaneous. (3) It is nice that the fishpond was rectangle, 667- 2000m2 culture area, 1.0m depth of water per pond. (4) It is goodthat the protein in diets of M. nipponense was 35-40%, two times exchange water per day,the ratio of feeding was 2. 8-8.0%.
Abstract:对青蛤人工育苗中催产、幼虫培育及稚贝的附着与培养等关键技术进行了研究,取得了较好的成绩。人工催产率达95%以上,受精率80%以上,孵化率87-89%,附着率达64%左右,在105.61m^3水体的室 内育苗池内,培育出壳长223-428μm稚贝169889.42万粒,单位水体育苗量168.87万粒/m^3。经土池培养出壳长3-6mm稚贝3878.45万粒,成活率达22.83%。
Abstract:On the basis of analysing the situation of oxygen lacking in Suzhou River,five plans of increasing oxygen were compared and the plan proposed of aerification and increasing oxgen for bottom water is the best one. This plan requires less investment, startsquickly, repays oxygen debt effectively in bottom water, and will eventually dispel bad smelland make water clean in Suzhou River.
Abstract:Applying the single chip microprocessor in the process of controlling gasproportion mixing has several advantages such as good systematic stability, high precision,flexibility to supply different amount of gas, and being used in the practical productionprocess of modified atmosphere packaging. This introduced control1ing principle, hardwarestructure and precision of the equipment that is newly developed GM - A, GM - B gasproportion mixer's system with the single chip microprocessor, which realizes the anystipulated two or three gases' volume percentage, controlling all gases' magnetic valves,fulfilling the purpose of obtaining prestipulated proportional mixed gas.
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