Effects of light intensity on the breeding of Litopenaeus vannamei in algal-bacterial-based biofloc system
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    In order to explore the effects of light intensity on the breeding of Litopenaeus vannamei in algal-bacterial biofloc technology system, three different lighting were designed for experiment, including light of 200W (L200), light of 100W (L100) and light of 0W (L0). The light intensity of three groups is (8 422±195) lx,(4 400±204) lx and (3±1) lx. During the experimental period, larvae were cultured for 14 days in a zero-water exchange system. The results showed that the algal-bacterial-based biofloc system can control the water quality well, and increase of the light intensity can effectively reduce the drop of pH and alkalinity. The body length and weight of larvae in L200 were significantly higher than those in other groups (P<0.05). High intensity light improved the survival rate of larvae and reduced the proportion of total Vibrio in water, but there was no significant difference among 3 each groups (P>0.05). Additionally, the moisture content of larvae in L200 was significantly lower than that in other groups (P<0.05). The effect of light intensity on crude protein and crude fat content was not obvious. Significantly, there was no difference in the nutritional composition of BFT in each group (P>0.05). The results demonstrated that the application of a certain amount of light intensity in the algae-bacteria system was beneficial to water quality control and enhancement of shrimp quality.

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