Inland fisheries are mostly subsistence fisheries. Taihu's gillnet fisheries are typical subsistence fisheries. The main fishing villages in the Taihu Lake area were investigated. The results of the survey of 58 gillnet fishing vessels show that:(1) More than 80% of gillnet fishing fishermen are older than 45 years old; (2) The highest education level of gillnet fishing fishermen is junior high school, and more 60% of the fishermen have received education at the primary school level.(3) Of the fishing vessels surveyed, 98% are profitable, but the average profit of low-power fishing boats (6.468 kW) and high-power fishing boats (8.820 kW) is significantly different.Fishermen have poor economic conditions, and they can not afford to discard capture fisheries in the face of losses. Therefore, a livelihood fishery management system should be established from the sustainable subsistence fisheries to safeguard the society of Taihu capture fisheries,economic stability and society harmony.
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陈君祥,高超,刘依阳.太湖刺网生计渔业问题[J].上海海洋大学学报,2020,29(1):139-144. CHEN Junxiang, GAO Chao, LIU Yiyang. Taihu Lake gillnet subsistence fisheries[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2020,29(1):139-144.