Spatio-temporal distribution of mackerel in Southeast Pacific Ocean
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    Based on the fishery data of Chilean jack mackerel in the southeast Pacific from 2003 to 2011, the spatio-temporal distribution of Chilean mackerel in the southeastern Pacific was analyzed by grey correlation evaluation. The results showed that the center of gravity of fishing ground in the southeastern Pacific Ocean was mainly distributed in the range of 80°W -95°W and 40°S -45°S from 2003 to 2011. It gradually moved to the northwest with the increase of the month and started from August. The fishing ground began to divide into two areas. The center of fishing gradually shifted to the northwest and northeast, and shifted to the northernmost in October. From the perspective of the distribution of catch in the southeastern Pacific Chile has a significant seasonal variation. The fishing ground was distributed at the southernmost,and its range was also relatively small in the autumn, mainly located in 80°W -95°W,40°S -45°S. The fishing ground moved to north in the winter; whereas the fishing ground was at northernmost, with a wide range. This was similar to the distribution of the center of gravities. The average catch per net was distributed in 79°W-101°W,30°S -45°S. The fishing activities in the area of 79°W -101°W,30°S -45°S were also relatively high. The grey correlation indicated that the status of the Chilean jack mackerel in the Southeast Pacific Ocean had been good for 9 years. Understanding the spatio-temporal distribution of mackerel is beneficial to sustainable development and management for mackerel resources in the future.

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LI Yuanjie, CHEN Xinjun, WANG Jintao, CHEN Zuozhi. Spatio-temporal distribution of mackerel in Southeast Pacific Ocean[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2019,28(4):616-625.

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  • Received:July 20,2018
  • Revised:April 24,2019
  • Adopted:January 24,2019
  • Online: July 25,2019
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