Illumina HiSeq 2500 High-throughput Sequencing Platform was used to sequence the microorganisms samples collected from ship's ballast water and sediment. A total of 67 255 valid sequences and 736 OTUs were obtained. This study focuses on bacterial community structure and diversity of sediment and ballast water in ballast tanks by bioinformatics analysis.The results show that the total number of cultured bacteria of sediment is 3 orders of magnitude higher than the total number of cultured bacteria of ballast water.The dominant groups in the ballast water were Proteobacteria(70.20%),Bacteroidetes(13.38%),Actinobacteria(10.33%) and Marinimicrobia_SAR406_clade(2.81%). The dominant groups of sediments in ballast tanks were Proteobacteria (95.45%) and Firmicutes (2.23%). This study provides scientific basis for the research of ballast water ecology and prevention of biological invasion in ballast water.
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李倩,王晓媛,吴惠仙.船舶压载水与沉积物细菌多样性比较分析[J].上海海洋大学学报,2018,27(3):386-391. LI Qian, WANG Xiaoyuan, WU Huixian. Comparative analysis of bacterial diversity in ship ballast water and sediments[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2018,27(3):386-391.