A study ongrowth of Procambarus clarkii based on eye stalk microstructure analysis

College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University

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    Crustaceans hard structures, which can record biological information, disappear periodically after molting.Thus, studyon the age and growth of crustaceans has been a tricky problem. In this paper,Procambarus clarkii were collected from the river channel of NanhuiNew City, PudongNew District, Shanghai Municipality. The eyestalks microstructure of the species wasanalyzed, and the relationship between growth incrementsinthe eyestalks and the length and weight of Procambarus clarkii were studied. Clear microstructures were observed both in cross and vertical section of the eyestalks, which are composed of four parts (ie. epicuticle, exocuticle, endocuticle and membranous layer).Each growth increments consist of one light and one dark increment.The number of growth increments of sampled specimens are form8 to 31.The width of growth increments become narrow fromthe junction of exocuticle and endocuticle to the junction of endocuticle and membranous layer.The number of growth increments in eyestalks and the length and weight of Procambarus clarkiiare both suit for Logistic relationships, and their functions are L=(96.66)/(1+e-0.25(t-2.54)) and W=(22.48)/(1+e-0.41(t-11.78)) respectively.

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SHU Chang, LIU Bilin, JIANG Rui, ZHANG Xinhao, CHI Zonghao, LUO Shipeng, TONG Xiangfan. A study ongrowth of Procambarus clarkii based on eye stalk microstructure analysis[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2018,27(5):765-772.

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  • Received:January 07,2018
  • Revised:April 04,2018
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  • Online: October 22,2018
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