Effects of morphometric traits on body weight for Exopalaemon modestus in Dianshan Lake

Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai Ocean University,shanghai ocean university,shanghai ocean university

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    White shrimp,Exopalaemon modestus,is the important economic species in freshwater lakes. As one of the economic sources for fishermen, studying morphometric traits will help to improve the survival rate of artificial breeding, and benefit the sustainable development of wild white shrimp in Dianshan Lake. 140 individuals were randomly sampled in Dianshan Lake. The body weight was 0.6-3.1 g. Seven morphometric traits including the body length(X1), length of upper frontal eminence(X2), carapace length(X3), carapace width(X4), abdominal length(X5), abdominal width(X6), tail length(X7) and body weight (Y) were measured. The effects of morphometric traits on body weight were analyzed by using multivariate analysis methods including correlation analysis, path analysis and multiple regression analysis based on taking morphometric traits as independent variables, and the body weight as dependent variable. The results showed that all seven correlation coefficients were at very significant levels (P < 0.01) between each morphometric trait and the body weight. The path analysis revealed that the path coefficients of the body length, length of upper frontal eminence, and abdominal length to the body weight reached a significant level(P < 0.05). Among three attributes above, direct effects of body length on body weight were greater than that of indirect effect. Body length was the key factor to the body weight. High multiple correlation index (0.855) indicated that the main variables have been selected. Body length, carapace length, and abdominal length were used to establish the multiple regression equation, which was Y=-3.195+0.060X1+0.038X2+0.041X5. The selected morphometric traits can provide theoretical measure target for selective breeding of white shrimps.

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LIU Shixin, GAO Chunxia, TIAN Siquan, WU Feng. Effects of morphometric traits on body weight for Exopalaemon modestus in Dianshan Lake[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2015,24(6):926-933.

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  • Received:March 31,2015
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