Characteristics of atmospheric heavy metals dry deposition in the Shengshan Island

Shanghai Ocean University,East China Sea Environment Monitoring Center, State Oceanic Administration,East China Sea Environment Monitoring Center, State Oceanic Administration,East China Sea Environment Monitoring Center, State Oceanic Administration

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    Dry deposition fluxes of heavy metals in Zhoushan sea area were calculated through a single point of dry deposition model based on the monitoring data of selected heavy metal elements in atmospheric particulate matter(Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd) in Shengshan Island in four seasons(February, May, August and October)from 2004 to 2013. The results showed that, the magnitude order of monthly and yearly dry deposition fluxes of heavy metal elements in the atmospheric was Cu(14.15 mg/m2) >Zn(2.16 mg/m2) >Pb(1.40 mg/m2) >Cd(0.022 mg/m2),the corresponding concentration of which was less than the limit value of China's air quality standards. Cu accounted for 80% of the total metals. Monthly flux variation of heavy metals in recent years was complex, the data in winter and spring was higher than that in autumn and summer for the early phases(2004-2008); while the trend turned higher in summer and winter for the late period(2009-2013). Compared with other sea areas,both the monthly and annual deposition fluxes of Cu are higher than those in Pearl River Delta, Tianjin Port, Fujian Xinghua Bay, just below the Qingdao sea area; while Pb, Zn, Cd values are far less than those sea areas, but have little difference with the ocean monitoring values.

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LIN Xirong, YE Shufeng, SUN Yawei, YANG Xingxing. Characteristics of atmospheric heavy metals dry deposition in the Shengshan Island[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2015,24(5):719-725.

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  • Received:December 17,2014
  • Revised:May 29,2015
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  • Online: September 25,2015
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