The present paper reports the definition of ciguatera, original and toxicology of the ciguatoxin ;symptoms, treatment and prevention of ciguatera fish poisoning, and the species of ciguatoxic fishes in China. The results show that the 45 ciguatoxic species were found in Taiwan , Xisha Islands as well as south Hainan Island, China in the past 20 years.
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伍汉霖,庄棣华,陈永豪,牟阳.中国珊瑚礁毒鱼类的研究[J].上海海洋大学学报,2000,(4):298-307. WU Han-lin, CHONG Dee-hua, CHEN Yong-hao, MOU Yang. Study on the Ciguatoxie fishes in China[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2000,(4):298-307.