


上海市高校特聘教授“东方学者”岗位跟踪计划 (GZ2022011);农业农村部全球渔业资源调查监测评估(公海渔业资源综合科学调查)专项(D-8025-23-1002)

Zooplankton species composition and distributional characteristics in the high seas of the Northwest Pacific Ocean in 2021-2022
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    浮游动物是连接海洋食物网初级生产者和低营养级生物的重要纽带,是渔场形成的重要生物基础。根据上海海洋大学“淞航”号渔业资源调查船2021和2022年6—8月在西北太平洋公海进行渔业资源综合科学调查期间采集的浮游动物样本,对其种类组成、分布特征及其与环境的关系等进行了分析。结果表明,两年在调查海域共采集浮游动物174种,隶属于10个类群,浮游动物以桡足类和浮游幼体居多,分别鉴定出95种、22种,占种类总数的54.6%、12.6%,其次为水母类,鉴定出18种,介形类、被囊类、毛颚类、磷虾类和腹足类分别鉴定出11种、9种、6种、4种和3种,多毛类、端足类和枝角类各鉴定出2种。优势属(种)包括基齿哲水蚤属、隆水蚤属、拟哲水蚤属、丽哲水蚤属、羽长腹剑水蚤、隐长腹剑水蚤和长腹水蚤科幼体等7类。两年的物种种类和优势属(种)组成类似。2021年浮游动物平均丰度为732.89 ind./m3,低于2022年的1 418.88 ind./m3;2021年的Shanno-Wiener指数为1.57~3.16、均匀度指数为0.54~0.91、丰富度指数为0.84~3.36,三者分别均高于2022年的0.66~2.92、0.26~0.94、0.77~3.11。GAM分析显示,浮游动物的丰度与海表盐度和200 m层水温呈显著负相关关系,分析认为黑潮和亲潮对丰度的时空分布也有一定的影响。研究结果将为西北太平洋公海浮游动物的研究提供可参考的基础资料。


    Zooplankton is an important link between primary producers and lower trophic level organisms in the marine food web, and is an important biological basis for the formation of fishing grounds. Based on the zooplankton samples collected by the fishery resources survey vessel “Songhang” of Shanghai Ocean University during the comprehensive scientific survey of fishery resources in the high seas of the Northwest Pacific Ocean from June to August in 2021 and 2022, the zooplankton samples were analyzed in terms of their species composition, distributional characteristics, and their relationship with the environment. The results showed that a total of 174 zooplankton species were collected in the surveyed area over the two years, belonging to 10 groups. Copepoda and planktonic larvae were the most abundant zooplankton, with 95 and 22 species identified respectively, accounting for 54.6% and 12.6% of the total number of species, followed by Scyphozoa, with 18 species identified, and Ostracoda, Tunicata, Chaetognatha, Euphausiacea, and Gastropoda with 11, 9, 6, 4 and 3 species respectively. Additionally, two species each of Polychaeta, Amphipoda, and Cladocera were identified.The dominant genes (species) included seven categories:Clausocalanus sp., Oncaea sp., Paracalanus sp., Calocalanus sp., Oithona plumifera, Oithona decipiens and Metridinidae larvae. The species diversity and dominant genes (species) composition were similar in both years. The mean zooplankton abundance in 2021 was 732.89 ind./m3, lower than that in 2022 (1 418.88 ind./m3).The Shannon-Wiener index in 2021 was 1.57-3.16, the Evenness index was 0.54-0.91, and the abundance index was 0.84-3.36. All three indices were higher than those in 2022, which ranged from 0.66 to 2.92, 0.26 to 0.94, and 0.77 to 3.11, respectively.GAM analyses showed that zooplankton abundance was significantly and negatively correlated with the sea-surface salinity and the water temperature in the 200 m layer,and the analyses suggested that the Kuroshio current and the Oyashio also had a certain effect on the temporal and spatial distributions of the abundance. The results of this study will provide basic information for the study of zooplankton in the high seas of the Northwest Pacific Ocean.


SHEN Wei, LIU Bilin, LIU Tingyu. Zooplankton species composition and distributional characteristics in the high seas of the Northwest Pacific Ocean in 2021-2022[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2024,33(4):927-937.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-06
  • 最后修改日期:2024-04-15
  • 录用日期:2024-05-13
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-09