



Assemblage structure and spatial-temporal variation of amphipods in large-scale raft culture habitats
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    基于2022年2—7月(大型海藻快速生长期2—3月、成熟期4—5月和衰落期6—7月)在嵊泗枸杞岛贻贝养殖区和对照区潮间带的同步采集数据,采用相对重要性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性和Margalef丰富度指数,结合聚类和排序等多元统计方法,对筏架不同结构体及其上大型海藻所附生的端足类的种类组成、丰度密度变化和群聚特征进行分析。结果共采集端足类24种,隶属于2亚目7科16属,其中在养殖生境采集端足类24种,而潮间带仅采集到4种。养殖筏架上的优势种为钩虾亚目的强壮藻钩虾(Ampithoevalida)、毛日藻钩虾(Sunampithoeplumosa)和施氏玻璃钩虾(Hyaleschmidti)以及麦秆虫亚目的凯氏麦秆虫(Caprellakroyeri)、十远麦秆虫(Caprelladecipiens)和长腮麦秆虫(Caprellaequilibra);潮间带各种类相对重要性指数(IRI)皆小于5,未出现优势种。端足类的整体丰度密度呈现逐月增加趋势,从2—3月大型海藻快速生长期的(580±90) ind./m2增加到6—7月衰落期的(1 604±1 172) ind./m2;不同部位的平均丰度密度最大为浮球(1 390±1 478) ind./m2,最小为贻贝串(683±1 610) ind./m2。端足类在大型海藻快速生长期的丰富度和多样性最高,其次是海藻成熟期,再次是衰落期;丰富度和多样性指数最高的是贻贝串。在群聚特征方面,端足类群落不仅在时间方面有明显变化,不同部位间也存在显著差异(P<0.01)。在端足类对不同大型海藻的选择利用方面,强壮藻钩虾等6种端足类与褐藻、绿藻的生物量存在显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。研究发现,大规模筏式养殖区支撑了种类丰富、结构多元且生物量庞大的端足类资源,可为海洋牧场人工生境的构建和生态系统结构优化提供重要依据。


    This study is based on synchronous data collection in the intertidal zone of the raft culture area on Shengsi Gouqi Island from February to July 2022 (the rapid growth period of large seaweed from March to April, the mature period in May, and the decline period from June to July). Relative importance index, Shannon-Weaver diversity, and Margalef richness index were used in combination with multivariate statistical methods such as clustering and sorting to analyze the species composition, abundance density changes, and clustering characteristics of amphipods attached to different structures on rafts and large seaweed.A total of 24 amphipod species were collected, belonging to 16 genera in 7 families within 2 suborders. Among these, 24 amphipod species were collected in the aquaculture habitat, while only 4 species were collected in the intertidal zone. The dominant species on the aquaculture rafts were Ampithoevalida, Sunampithoeplumosa, Hyaleschmidti, Caprellakroyeri, Caprelladecipiens, and Caprellaequilibra. In the intertidal zone, no dominant species were observed, and the IRI values for all species were less than 5.The overall abundance density of amphipods showed a monthly increasing trend, rising from (580±90)ind./m2 during the rapid growth period of large seaweed from February to April to (3 800±400)ind./m2 during the decline period from June and July. The highest average abundance density among different sites was found on the floaters, with (9 700±400)ind./m2 while the lowest was observed on the mussel strings with (4 800±100) ind./m2. Amphipods had the highest abundance and diversity during the rapid growth period of large seaweed, followed by the mature period, and the lowest values were observed during the decline period. Yibei strings had the highest abundance and diversity indices.In terms of clustering characteristics, amphipod communities not only exhibited significant temporal variations but also significant differences among different sites (P<0.01). In terms of amphipods' selection and utilization of different large seaweeds, six amphipod species, including Ampithoe valida, exhibited a significant positive correlation with the biomass of brown and green algae (P<0.01).The study found that large-scale raft-based aquaculture areas support a diverse, structurally varied, and highly abundant amphipod resource. This conclusion can provide an important basis for the construction of artificial habitats in marine ranching and the optimization of ecosystem structure.


SUN Mengyu, WANG Zhenhua, LIN Jun, ZHANG Shouyu, WANG Kai, LI Jingjing. Assemblage structure and spatial-temporal variation of amphipods in large-scale raft culture habitats[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2024,33(3):702-714.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-19
  • 最后修改日期:2023-12-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-05-25