

Energy density and energy accumulation of soma tissues of Argentine short-fin squid (Illex argentinus)
  • LI Xiaoyan

    LI Xiaoyan

    College of Marine Living Resource Sciences and Management, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
  • LIN Dongming

    LIN Dongming

    College of Marine Living Resource Sciences and Management, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201306, China;National Distant-water Fisheries Engineering Research Center, Shanghai 201306, China;Key Laboratory of Oceanic Fisheries Exploration, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shanghai 201306, China
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    为了探究阿根廷滑柔鱼肌肉组织能量积累特性及对生殖能量投入的影响,利用组织能量密度测定技术测定胴体、头腕和肉鳍等肌肉组织能量密度,分析雌雄性个体肌肉组织相对能量积累及与性腺指数关系,用于验证肌肉组织能量积累变化及其在生殖投入上的雌雄差异。结果显示,雌雄个体肌肉组织能量密度平均值均以肉鳍组织最高,分别为(21.32±1.13)和(21.56±0.97) kJ/g;胴体次之,分别为(21.15±0.69)和(21.13±0.79) kJ/g;头腕最低,分别为(20.64±0.73)和(20.66±0.70) kJ/g;雌性个体的胴体、头腕和肉鳍平均能量积累占比分别为51.37%±4.77%、37.42%±4.44%和11.21%±1.62%;雄性个体的分别为46.80%±5.42%、42.67%±6.05%和10.53%±2.03%。仅雌性个体胴体和头腕的相对能量积累在不同性腺成熟度之间存在显著差异。线性混合模型结果显示,雌性个体胴体和头腕的相对能量积累分别与性腺指数呈显著的负相关和正相关关系,而雄性个体各肌肉组织的相对组织能量与性腺指数没有显著函数关系。结果表明,阿根廷滑柔鱼雌雄性个体的肌肉组织能量密度均以肉鳍的最高,胴体是最大的能量积累单元;雌性个体肌肉组织能量可能参与性腺组织的生长发育,雄性个体则保持稳定的肌肉组织能量。


    In order to explore the energy accumulation of somatic tissues and their impacts on reproductive investment in Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus), one of the most important commercial cephalopod species in the world, the energy density of soma tissues including the mantle, head-arms and fins of the squid was determined using the technique of tissue energy density. The relative energy accumulation of each soma tissue was analyzed between sexes, and was also regressed on the squid's gonadosomatic index (GSI) to justify the potential sex-specific differences in the process of soma energy accumulation and allocation to reproduction. The results showed that the maximum energy density was detected in the fins for both female and male individuals, with an average of (21.32±1.13) and (21.56±0.97) kJ/g, respectively. The energy density of mantle tissue was determined (21.15±0.69) kJ/g for females and (21.13±0.79) kJ/g for males, respectively. For the head-arms, the energy density was detected at the minimum value, with an average of (20.64±0.73) kJ/g for females and (20.66±0.70) kJ/g for males, respectively. For the females, the relative energy accumulation was estimated an average of 51.37%±4.77% for mantle, 37.42%±4.44% for head-arms and 11.21%±1.62% for fins, respectively. The relative energy accumulation of mantle of male squids was estimated the maximum value, with an average of 46.80%±5.42%, followed by head-arms with an average of 42.67%±6.05% and fins with an average of 10.53%±2.03%. Significant differences were only found in the relative energy accumulation between maturity stages for the mantle and head-arms of female squid. In addition, the results of linear mixed-effects models showed that the relative energy accumulation of mantle and head-arms was significantly correlated with the GSI for the female squid, while there were not any significant relationships between the relative energy accumulation of each soma tissue and the GSI for the males. Cumulatively, these findings revealed that the fins exhibit the greatest energy density among the soma tissues, and the mantle accumulates the largest energy reserve among the soma tissues. The energy reserve of the mantle was probably mobilized to support gonadal development in female I. argentinus, contrasting to the fitness maintenance of soma tissues for the males.


LI Xiaoyan, LIN Dongming. Energy density and energy accumulation of soma tissues of Argentine short-fin squid (Illex argentinus)[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2024,33(2):452-463.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-04-18
  • 最后修改日期:2023-09-27
  • 录用日期:2023-09-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-19