

Antarctic Marine Protected Area: the way of conservation in the game of science and policy
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    南极海洋保护治理事务向来是全球公海保护领域的标杆,它通过海洋保护区提案的实现和相关工作的推进致力于维护南大洋生态环境健康。但归咎于海洋环境的动态性和保护效果显现的时滞性,海洋保护区这一在南极广泛应用并规划的保护路径,其实际效果和推进现状在当前缺乏长期监测数据和完备评估体系的大背景下依旧难以量化。本文整合挖掘了近年来国际上有关南极海洋保护区(Antarctic marine protected areas, AMPAs)事务的研究,并基于部分南极海洋生物资源养护委员会(CCAMLR)公开报告和资料,从海洋保护区(Marine protection area, MPA)的规划效率、科学依据、需求性、保护区的监测评估、对海洋资源合理利用的兼顾、南极资源治理问题的管理特殊性等多角度探析并呈现AMPAs事务推进过程中科学与政策的博弈。研究显示,尽管南极海洋保护在国际公海保护领域卓有成效,但自身纵向比较结果表明它的发展依旧处于初级阶段,规划进程缓慢、科学依据不足、国家间利益诉求协调困难、监测研究机制羸弱、保护需求和效果争议等问题相对突出。今后的研究应着重推进科学数据与海洋管理政策的联动、研究与监视计划的完善等,以期兼容不同主体的多元化诉求并探索出高效、科学的海洋管理策略与资源规制模式。


    The Antarctic Marine Protection Area (AMPA) has always been a global benchmark in the field of High Sea’s protection. It is committed to maintain the ecological health of the Southern Ocean through the implementation of the Marine Protection Areas (MPAs) proposals and the promotion of related work. However, due to the dynamic nature of the marine environment and the time lag of the protection effect, the actual effect and promotion status of marine reserves, which have been widely applied and planned in Antarctica, are still difficult to be quantified in the context of the lack of long-term monitoring data and a complete evaluation system. In this paper, the international research status on AMPAs issues in recent years was integrated and explored. Based on open access and published reports and data from the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), the game between science and policy in the process of advancing AMPAs issues was analyzed and presented from multiple perspectives, such as the planning efficiency, scientific basis, the demand for MPA in the planned area, the monitoring and evaluation of the protected areas, the consideration of the rational utilization of marine living resources and the management particularity of Antarctic resource governance issues. The results show that, although the Antarctic ocean protection is unmatched in the field of international waters protection, the results of longitudinal comparison indicate the development is still in its infancy, the difficulties, such as the slow process of planning, insufficient scientific evidence, difficult coordination of the interests between countries, weak mechanism of research and monitoring, controversial protection requirement and effects, needs to be overcome. It is suggested that future work should focus on the linkage between scientific data and marine governance policies, and the improvement of research and monitoring plans, so as to meet the diverse demands of different agents, to explore efficient and scientific management strategies and resource regulation modes.

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    发 布

ZHAO Hailun, ZHU Guoping. Antarctic Marine Protected Area: the way of conservation in the game of science and policy[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2023,32(4):883-892.

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  • 出版日期: 2023-07-20