

Study on regional ecosystem risk management of non-indigenous species transfer via ballast water
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    2016年国际海事日主题“航运业:之于世界,不可或缺。”高度概括了航运业与世界经济之间的关系。航运业作为国际贸易的桥梁,连接了全球80%以上的货物往来,在助推全球化经济高速发展的同时,也随之带来了一些海洋环境问题。其中船舶压载水携带的各类水生物和病原体对港区水域的生态环境有潜在的破坏性影响,据统计,每天有超过7 000个物种被船舶压载水转移至新地区,其中有一些致病菌和赤潮生物。这些外来物种的入侵,能够破坏当地水域的生态平衡,影响海洋生物的多样性,危害渔业资源,甚至威胁当地居民的健康。就此,国际层面出台了一系列的国际性公约,如联合国(UN)的《联合国海洋法公约》、《国际卫生条例(2005)》、《生物多样性公约》等,而其中国际海事组织(IMO)制定的《国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制与管理公约》(下称《压载水公约》),已于2017年9月8日正式对航运界生效。本文结合《压载水公约》,探讨压载水转移外来物种区域化生态风险评估方法,为港口国履约提供新的生态环境管理思路。


    The theme for World Maritime Day 2016 is "Shipping:indispensable to the world." which highly summarized the relationship between the shipping industry and the world economy. As a bridge of the international trade, the shipping industry connects more than 90% of the world's goods, however, it also brings about some marine environment problems while boosting the rapid development of the global economy.All kinds of aquatic organisms and pathogens carried by ballast water have potential destructive effects on the ecological environment of the port waters, according to statistics, more than 7 000 species are transported tothe new areas by ballast water every day, there are some pathogenic bacteria andalgae in ballast water. The invasion ofthese non-indigenous speciescould destry the ecological balance of the local waters, and then have a great effect on the diversity of marine organisms, moreoverendanger fishery resources and even the health of local residents.At this point, a series of international conventions have been developed, such as the United Nations' , (2005), etc, includingthe (hereinafter referred to as BWM Convention) developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), whichhave already entered into force in September 8, 2017.This paper combines the BWM Convention to discuss Regional Ecosystem Risk Assessment of Non-Indigenous Species Transfer via Ballast Water, and then provides a new idea on the ecological environment management for port states.

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    发 布

LI Shibo, HUANG Yanyuan. Study on regional ecosystem risk management of non-indigenous species transfer via ballast water[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2018,27(3):416-419.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-11-07
  • 最后修改日期:2018-01-31
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-07-02