



Analysis of problems on utilization and conservation of the bluefin tuna resources in the Atlantic Ocean

Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai Ocean University

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    Because of the continuous fishing in high intensity for decades, bluefin tuna resources are in a state of deep recession. Analysing the development status of the bluefin tuna resources in the Atlantic through the catches data, and combining with regional fishery management system and maintenance measures, we discussed the problems and deficiencies in the management of Atlantic bluefin tuna. The results showed that:Each country always neglects the scientific advice for total allowable catch for the sake of their own interests, and the final total allowable catch setting by The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas exceeds the amount that scientists recommended; Existing quota system is unfair and deviating from the principle of fairness with the international law, so it has failed to encourage the members to take active conservation measures; The supervision by The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas for Atlantic bluefin tuna fishing activities is the weak link in the management process, and failed to curb illegal fishing effectively because of lack of an effective enforcement mechanism. We put forward following proposals:To improve the current situation that total allowable catches is set too high, conforming to the goal that setting for total allowable catch to make the resources achieve the maximum sustainable yield; To improve the quota allocation mechanism, and ensure the fair and reasonable utilization of Atlantic bluefin tuna resources; Strengthen the supervision for fishing activities of Atlantic bluefin tuna, and improve the mechanism of the fishing management to push members to perform its obligations.

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    发 布

L&#; Xiang, HUANG Shuolin. Analysis of problems on utilization and conservation of the bluefin tuna resources in the Atlantic Ocean[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2016,25(6):936-944.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-03-29
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  • 在线发布日期: 2016-11-25