





Influence of temperature, salinity and pH on Cu, Pb solubility in excess sludge

College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,Naturelaw International Education(Shanghai Branch),College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,U-Freight Limited(Shanghai),Shanghai Hawkhood Protective Equipment Co.LTD

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    以某污水处理厂脱水污泥为研究对象,测得其初始重金属浓度如下:Cu为116.04~316.68 mg/kg,Pb为13.13~37.02 mg/kg。分析了温度、盐度和pH对剩余污泥铜、铅的溶出效应影响,得出:铅在酸性条件下(pH=6.5)的溶出量(均值0.567 mg/L)小于碱性条件(pH=8.5)的溶出量(均值0.641 mg/L),但铜却不同(pH=6.5,均值为0.063 mg/L;pH=8.5,溶出量均值=0.062 mg/L),且铅的总溶出量大于铜的总溶出量;温度对重金属Cu、Pb溶出的影响较为明显(P < 0.05),温度越高重金属越易溶出,且在高温下越快到达平衡浓度;盐度对污泥重金属释放有显著效应(P < 0.05),金属Cu、Pb的溶出量随着盐度的增加而升高,并且盐度越大,越快达到平衡浓度。


    The dewatered sludge samples were collected in one wastewater treatment plant and the content of Cu was 116.04-316.68 mg/kg and Pb was 13.13-37.02 mg/kg. The influence of temperature, salinity and pH on Cu, Pb solubility in excess sludge was researched. It could be obtained that the release amount(average=0.567 mg/L) of Pb in acid conditions(pH=6.5)was less than that(average=0.641 mg/L) in alkaline conditions(pH=8.5),which was different from Cu(0.063>0.061), but the total release amount of Pb was greater. Temperature had obvious effect on Cu, Pb release, the heavy metals were easier to release along with the temperature increase, and at high temperature it could be quicker to reach the equilibrium concentration. Salinity had significant effect on heavy metal release in excess sludge, the release amount of Cu, Pb increased along with the salinity increase, and the equilibrium concentration was sooner to reach at higher salinity.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-04-04
  • 最后修改日期:2015-06-18
  • 录用日期:2015-06-24
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-12-01