
上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院,上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院


国家高技术研究发展计划 (2012AA100811);国家自然科学基金 (31072208);农业部公益性专项(200903030);国家海洋局公益专项(201105023,201105008);国家农业科技成果转化资金项目(2011GB2C000005);上海市科学技术委员会重点科技攻关项目(10391901100)

The effect of triacontanol on the growth of gametophytic blades in Pyropia haitanensis

College of Fisheries and Life Science,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Fisheries and Life Science,Shanghai Ocean University,College of Fisheries and Life Science,Shanghai Ocean University

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    为了探讨三十烷醇对坛紫菜野生型品系(WT)叶状体生长的影响作用,用1×10-7、3×10-7、5×10-7和7× 10-7的三十烷醇溶液处理WT品系叶状体1 d,恢复正常条件充气培养25 d后发现:在上述浓度范围内,3×10-7组对WT品系的叶状体的促生长效果最明显,5×10-7组次之,1×10-7组处理几乎无效果,而7×10-7组对叶状体生长有一定的抑制作用。与对照组相比,3×10-7组叶状体的平均长度增加了94.92%,叶绿素a、藻红蛋白和藻蓝蛋白含量分别提高了26.00%、92.88%和84.89%。三十烷醇对WT品系叶状体生长的促进作用呈现出先增加后降低的趋势,而且这种促生长作用会持续到处理后20 d左右。上述结果表明:适宜浓度的三十烷醇溶液(3×10-7)浸泡处理可以显著、持续地促进WT品系的叶状体生长,增加光合色素和色素蛋白的含量。


    To study the effect of triacontanol on the growth of gametophytic blades of the wild type strain (WT) in Pyropia haitanensis, the blades of WT strain were immersed in triacontanol solution at concentration of 1×10-7, 3×10-7, 5×10-7 and 7×10-7 for one day static culture respectively. Then the blades were transferred to aeration culture with normal culture medium. The results showed that, after 25 days of culture,3×10-7 had the best treatment effect, 5×10-7 took the second place,1×10-7 triacontanol treated blades almost had no difference with the control group, while 7×10-7 inhibited the growth of blades. Compared to the control group, the mean length of blades strain treated with 3×10-7 triacontanol increased by 94.92%, and chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin increased by 26.00%, 92.88% and 84.89%, respectively. The effect of triacontanol on the growth of blades of the WT strain showed initial increase then decrease, and the promotion effect could maintain about 20 days after treatment. These results revealed that 3×10-7 triacontanol could constantly accelerate the growth of blades, and increase the contents of photosynthetic pigment and chromoproteins in the blades.

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    发 布

张欢欢,李 琳,严兴洪.三十烷醇对坛紫菜叶状体生长的影响[J].上海海洋大学学报,2013,22(6):876-881.
ZHANG Huan-huan, LI Lin, YAN Xing-hong. The effect of triacontanol on the growth of gametophytic blades in Pyropia haitanensis[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2013,22(6):876-881.

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  • 出版日期: 2013-11-15