

Comparison of biological characteristics of Ommastrephes bartarmii between two different areas in the east central waters of North Pacific Ocean
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    根据2010年4-7月北太平洋中东部海域采集的854尾柔鱼样本,分东经海域(170°E~180°E)和西经海域(170°W~180°W)分析其胴长组成、性别比、性成熟度和性成熟指数等生物学特性。结果表明,西经海域雌性个体的优势胴长组为25~29 cm和35~43 cm,平均胴长为32.9 cm;雄性个体优势胴长组为23~27 cm,平均胴长为24.5 cm。而东经海域雌性个体优势胴长组为35~43 cm,平均胴长为36.9 cm,雄性个体仅1尾。体重-胴长关系表明,雌性个体生长速度明显快于雄性,尤其是西经海域。渔获物中性别组成均不符合1∶1。西经海域雌性个体以性成熟度Ⅰ、Ⅱ期为主,占总数的97.9%,对应的优势胴长分别为23~27 cm、35~43 cm,Ⅲ期雌性个体的优势胴长为45~49 cm;雄性个体的性成熟度为Ⅰ、Ⅱ期,对应的优势胴长分别为23~27 cm和25~27 cm。东经海域雌性个体性成熟以Ⅰ、Ⅱ期为主,对应的优势胴长分别为29~35 cm和35~43 cm。西经海域和东经海域雌性个体初次性成熟胴长分别为47.3 cm和50.7 cm。分析认为,调查海域渔获均为秋生群,东经海域主要以大型群为主体,存在少量的小型群;而西经海域小型群和大型群并重。


    According to 854 samples of Ommastrephes bartramii, collected by squid jigging vessel in the east central waters of North Pacific Ocean during April to July in 2010, the mantle length (ML) composition, sex ratio, sexual maturity and other biological properties in the two areas (170°E-180°E and 170°W-180°W) are analyzed and compared. The results showed that the dominant ML of female was 25-29 cm and 35-43 cm, the average ML was 32.9 cm in the waters of 170°W-180°W, and the dominant ML for male squid was 23-27 cm and the average ML was 24.5 cm. While in the waters of 170°E-180°E, the dominant ML for female squid was 35-43 cm and the average ML was 36.9 cm, and only one male squid was sampled. The relationship between weight and ML showed that the females grow faster than males, especially in waters of west longitude. The sexual composition in the catch does not meet 1∶1. In the areas of 170°W-180°W , the female maturity for Ⅰ and Ⅱ stages accounts for 97.9% of the total, and the corresponding dominant ML were 23-27 cm and 35-43 cm respectively, the dominant ML for Ⅲ maturity stage is 45-49 cm. For the male sexual maturity, stages Ⅰ and Ⅱ are most and the corresponding dominant ML were 23-27 cm and 25-27 cm respectively. In the areas of 170 ° E-180 ° E, the female maturity for stages Ⅰ and Ⅱ is the main part and the corresponding ML was 29-35 cm and 35-43 cm respectively. The female MLs of first maturity were 47.3 cm and 50.7 cm in the waters of 170°W-180°W and 170°E-180°E respectively. It is concluded that all samples belonged to the fall spawning group, the largesize group is the main part and there are a few smallsize groups in the waters of 170°E-180°E, and smallsize group and largesize group are of the same proportion in the waters of 170°W-180°W.


陈 峰,陈新军,陆化杰,刘必林,钱卫国.北太平洋中东部2个海区柔鱼生物学特性比较研究[J].上海海洋大学学报,2011,20(5):759-764.
CHEN Feng, CHEN Xin-jun, LU Hua-jie, LIU Bi-lin, QIAN Wei-guo. Comparison of biological characteristics of Ommastrephes bartarmii between two different areas in the east central waters of North Pacific Ocean[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2011,20(5):759-764.

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