Shellfish aquaculture has been plagued with clam disease in China. This has collapse of ecosystem balance. From the point of ecology, this study summarized the conception of carrying capacity, compared those conception differences. This paper also models of carrying capacity, particularized the way of establishing and calculating those been used worldwide. Furthermore the study evaluated the different models.
李长松,房斌,王慧,庄平,周凯,么宗利.贝类养殖容量研究进展[J].上海海洋大学学报,2007,(5):478-482. LI Chang-song, FANG Bin, WANG Hui, ZHUANG Ping, ZHOU Kai, YAO Zong-li. Review of carrying capacity of shellfish aquaculture[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2007,(5):478-482.